
Splash House

Splash House

Our fam­i­ly-friend­ly pub­lic water park offers end­less fun for all ages!

We are NOW HIR­ING for 2025 staff!

Apply through this link:

Splash House Features

Attrac­tions include a lazy riv­er, two rac­er slides, big flush’ slide, large wave pool, and kid­die play area with a play pad topped with a large buck­et water-drop mak­ing a big splash! We have con­ces­sion stands and plen­ty of seat­ing for our guests includ­ing an event room rental. Our friend­ly staff can’t wait to greet you and help you have a won­der­ful experience. 

Sea­son of Operation

Memo­r­i­al Day week­end through Labor Day 

11am-6pm, Tues­day-Sat­ur­day

12 – 6pm, Sunday

Closed on Mon­days except for holidays

*After the first week­end in August each year, we are only open on week­ends as we wind down for the season.


Gen­er­al Admission

$10 for adults

$8 for chil­dren (ages 3 – 17)

$7 for seniors (55+)

FREE for chil­dren 2 & under

Sea­son Passes

$100 for individuals

$200 for a fam­i­ly of 4 (each addi­tion­al per­son is $40)

We have a pre-sea­son dis­count on all sea­son pass­es. They are $25 off if pur­chased by the Fri­day before Memo­r­i­al Day.

Rental Oppor­tu­ni­ties

See see attachment(s) below.

Park Poli­cies

Please be aware of the fol­low­ing rules before vis­it­ing the Splash House:

  • Chil­dren under 13 years old must be accom­pa­nied by an adult.
  • Guests must be at least 48″ tall to ride the twin rac­ers and the bowl slide.
  • Prop­er bathing attire is required.
  • This is an alco­hol, tobac­co, and drug-free facil­i­ty. No smok­ing or vap­ing allowed.
  • No out­side cool­ers, glass, food, or drinks are per­mit­ted inside the Splash House. 
  • All bags must be searched before enter­ing or re-enter­ing the park.
  • The Splash House holds the right to CLOSE due to low atten­dance, bad weath­er, etc.
  • No refunds or rain checks.

*For the full list of Park Poli­cies, please see the attached doc­u­ment below.

Get your feet wet…

Work at the Splash House! (see video below)

Files Attached:

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