Thegardens Photos 015

Rental Oppor­tu­ni­ties

Rental Oppor­tu­ni­ties

The City of Mar­i­on offers many afford­able rentals with­in our vast pub­lic spaces.

Bal­lard Field

19-acre green space of three soc­cer fields, addi­tion­al prac­tice field space, and restrooms for spe­cial events. Light­ing is avail­able for sched­uled games. $75 + tax

Mat­ter Park


Our band­shell is a small amphithe­ater offer­ing great acoustic sound with bench seat­ing. The area is near the Mis­sissinewa River­walk. $75 + tax (Shel­ter #5 & Band­shell Com­bo: $200. See Shel­ter #5 below.)

Disc Golf

No charge. First come, first serve.

Friend­ship Cor­ner (Shel­ter Only)

This enclosed sec­tion of Mat­ter Park is a spe­cial needs play­ground and shade shel­ter spear­head­ed by a group of indi­vid­u­als desir­ing a play area for chil­dren with dis­abil­i­ties. This play­ground opened in 2007 and serves chil­dren of all ages and abil­i­ties. Friend­ship Spe­cial Rules: No smok­ing, skat­ing, bicy­cles, or dogs.

Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park (includ­ing the Gar­den House & Meadow)

In the heart of Mar­i­on’s largest park lies the 6.3‑acre nation­al­ly acclaimed Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park with lux­u­ri­ous land­scap­ing, mul­ti­ple shel­ters & gaze­bos, vast seat­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, and points of attrac­tion for sight-see­ing, recre­ation, and edu­ca­tion.

The Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park fea­ture the Gar­den House, a year-round tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled indoor facil­i­ty com­plete with a fire­place, kitchen, and pri­vate restrooms, offer­ing an ide­al loca­tion for events and pri­vate par­ties. The Gar­den House can pro­vide ban­quet seat­ing for up to 128 peo­ple. There is a even a Baby Grand piano on site.

The most recent addi­tion to the Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park is the Mead­ow. The added lush acreage fea­tures an open pavil­ion with 8 pic­nic tables, and an out­door kitchen com­plete with a grill, sink, and mini-fridge. This pic­turesque pavil­ion seats about 64 peo­ple. There are restrooms con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed next to the shel­ter. Gar­dens Rental Prices.

Shel­ter #1

This open shel­ter near the Mis­sissinewa River­walk has six tables (seats 48). $50 + tax

Shel­ter #2

This open shel­ter offers eight tables (seats 54), restrooms near the ten­nis and sand vol­ley­ball courts. $60 + tax

Shel­ter #3

This enclosed shel­ter has air-con­di­tion­ing, pri­vate restrooms, and a refrig­er­a­tor and sink. The space has wrought iron tables and chairs seat­ing up to 50 peo­ple. This shel­ter is also at the catch-and-release pond and the start/​end point of the Mis­sissinewa River­walk. $200 + tax

Shel­ter #4

This open shel­ter has six tables (seats 42) near the Mis­sissinewa River­walk. $50 + tax

Shel­ter #5

This barn-style enclosed shel­ter offers 20 tables near the band­shell and Mis­sissinewa River­walk. (seats 180) $150 + tax (Shel­ter and band­shell com­bo adds lots of extra seat­ing at no extra charge)

Shel­ter #6

This is an open shel­ter with pic­nic tables. No charge. First come, first serve.

Shel­ter #7

This is an open shel­ter with pic­nic tables. No charge. First come, first serve.

Soft­ball Diamond

There are tiers of rental options for the soft­ball dia­mond. Prices list­ed will include tax.

Non-Prof­it Groups:A”B”C”
1 Day$60$50$40
2 Days$80$60$50
3 Days$110$80$70
Oth­er Groups:A”B”C”
1 Day$80$60$50
2 Days$140$90$80
3 Days$200$140$120

A” — We will drag, line, and install bases. Drag­ging will only be done pri­or to the first game each day of tour­na­ment. (We accept no respon­si­bil­i­ty for rework­ing the dia­monds in case of rain.) B” — We will pro­vide a lin­er for mark­ing mate­ri­als and bases. Dai­ly drag­ging of the field will not be done. C” — We will not drag the fields or pro­vide a lin­er / mark­ing materials.

A $50.00 non-refund­able deposit is required for all tournaments.

Ten­nis Courts/​Pickleball

No charge. First come, first serve

*Addi­tion­al pic­nic tables for any rental is avail­able. There is a $10 charge for each addi­tion­al table.

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