Gardens of Matter Park Birds Eye View

List of Parks

List of Parks

Below is a full list of our parks in alpha­bet­i­cal order.

28th Street Park

28th & Ter­race Street

This com­mu­ni­ty park offers over an acre of green space with a play­ground and bas­ket­ball court, just walk­ing dis­tance from a gro­cery store and eatery.

28th St. Park

Hours: 7am-9pm

Bal­lard Field Soc­cer Complex

State Road 18 & Penn­syl­va­nia Street

This 19-acre pub­lic green space includes three soc­cer fields, addi­tion­al prac­tice field space, and restrooms for spe­cial events. Light­ing is avail­able for sched­uled games.

Ballard Field

Hours: 7am-9pm

Barnes Park

6th & E Street

Barnes Park is a two-acre park offer­ing a safe, invit­ing, clean, and nur­tur­ing envi­ron­ment. The pub­lic green space has a shel­ter, play­ground, a minia­ture free library and much more for spa­cious recre­ation or relax­ation for all ages.

Barnes Park

Hours: 7am-9pm

Charles Mill Park

North Wash­ing­ton Street & Charles Street

This park is made up of three acres of pub­lic space adja­cent to the his­toric Charles Mill fea­tur­ing a walk­ing path, lit­tle free library, a brand new bas­ket­ball court, and most notably the new Charles Mill Fit­ness Court Stu­dio in part­ner­ship with the Nation­al Fit­ness Cam­paign and local sup­port­ers to fos­ter improved health and well­ness in the com­mu­ni­ty. To learn more about the equip­ment and all the pos­si­bil­i­ties through this out­door stu­dio, please vis­it Nation­al Fit­ness Cam­paign. You may also down­load the NFC app!

Closeup of Fitness Court

Hours: 7am-9pm

Clif­ford Townsend Park

Spencer Avenue & Nebras­ka Street

This park is over an acre of pub­lic green space with a shel­ter and play­ground by the Mis­sissinewa Riv­er. The Mis­sissinewa River­walk runs through the park.

Townsend Park updated 2021

Hours: 7am-9pm

Franklin Park

West 2nd & But­ler Street

This quaint park offers one acre of pub­lic green space with a mulched play space with play­ground equipment.

Franklin Park

Hours: 7am-9pm

Hogin Park

14th Street & Val­ley Avenue

This park is made up of an airy nine acres fea­tur­ing per­go­las, a walk­ing path, skate park, boc­ce ball court, sand court, and mul­ti­ple seat­ing areas with grilling sta­tions. The Car­di­nal Green­way (for bik­ing, walk­ing, skat­ing) runs adja­cent to Hogin Park.

Hogin Park

Hours: 7am-9pm

Mat­ter Park

Riv­er & Quar­ry Road

The vast 110 acres of pub­lic land con­sist of the pris­tine Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park (see Gar­dens as sep­a­rate park), play­grounds, sev­en shel­ters through­out the park, a band shell, ten­nis courts, pick­le­ball courts, disc golf course, base­ball dia­mond, and a catch & release fish­ing pond. The Free­dom Memo­r­i­al hon­or­ing our nation’s mil­i­tary is locat­ed in Mat­ter Park near the band­shell. The lux­u­ri­ous Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park and a spe­cial needs play­ground, Friend­ship Cor­ner, are also locat­ed in Mat­ter Park.

Freedom Memorial
Disc Golf

Hours: 7am-11pm

Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park

1 Mat­ter Park Circle

The vast and lux­u­ri­ous 6.3 acres and dis­tin­guished pro­fes­sion­al gar­den is flour­ish­ing with over 7,000 volu­mi­nous annu­al plants, pro­vid­ing mul­ti­ple attrac­tive shade struc­tures, var­i­ous seat­ing, stat­ues, spe­cial tourist attrac­tions includ­ing a nation­al­ly rec­og­nized But­ter­fly Gar­den, and the Fit for Life” Garfield Stat­ue as part of the Garfield Trail. Find more infor­ma­tion regard­ing all of the fea­tures of our Gar­dens in the exclu­sive Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park page.

Spe­cial Rules: No smok­ing, skat­ing, or bicy­cling. Pets are allowed on a leash.

Gardens showing new covered stage
Meadow Pavilion

Gar­den House

The Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park fea­tures the Gar­den House, a year-round tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled indoor facil­i­ty com­plete with a fire­place, kitchen, pri­vate restrooms, and even a baby grand piano, offer­ing an ide­al loca­tion for events and pri­vate parties.

Friend­ship Corner

This enclosed sec­tion of Mat­ter Park is a spe­cial needs play­ground and shade shel­ter spear­head­ed by a group of indi­vid­u­als desir­ing a play area for chil­dren with dis­abil­i­ties. This play­ground opened in 2007 and serves chil­dren of all ages and abilities.

Spe­cial Rules: No smok­ing, skat­ing, bicy­cles, or dogs.

More Mat­ter Park Images…

North Boots Street Park

Massey & Boots Street

This three-acre park offers a shel­ter, play­ground, and walk­ing path near the Mis­sissinewa Riv­er con­nect­ing to Charles Mill Park.

Boots St. Park

Hours: 7am-9pm

Splash House

2601 South Adams Street

Our fam­i­ly friend­ly water park offers end­less fun for all ages. Attrac­tions include a lazy riv­er, two rac­er slides, a big flush slide, kid­die play area, and a wave pool. We have two con­ces­sion stands and plen­ty of seat­ing for our guests. The Splash House has plen­ty of help­ful staff includ­ing lifeguards.

Hours: 11am-6pm, Tues­day through Sun­day, dur­ing sea­son (see Splash House page for more information)

West­lea Park

Knight Cir­cle & Braewick Drive

This north Mar­i­on park offers a spa­cious five acres of pub­lic green space with a play­ground, shel­ter, and bas­ket­ball court.

Westlea Park

Hours: 7am-9pm

West Point Park

7th Street & Michi­gan Avenue

This wide-open west­side park has sev­er­al play­ground areas on one acre of land as well as pic­nic seating.

West Point Park

Hours: 7am-9pm

Willis Van DeVan­ter Park

High­land Avenue & Riv­er Road

This park offers five acres of pub­lic green space with a shel­ter and gaze­bo on the Mis­sissinewa Riv­er and along the Mis­sissinewa Riverwalk.

Willis Van DeVanter Park

Hours: 7am-9pm

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