Res­i­den­tial Build­ing Permit

A res­i­den­tial prop­er­ty includes one and two fam­i­ly dwellings, mod­u­lar homes and duplex con­do units.

A res­i­den­tial build­ing per­mit is required for any new struc­ture, acces­so­ry build­ing, addi­tion and elec­tri­cal, plumb­ing or HVAC work being pre­formed. You are also required to pull a res­i­den­tial build­ing per­mit when chang­ing the size of any win­dow or door­way. If the cost of the job exceeds one thou­sand five hun­dred dol­lars ($1,500.00) for inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or cos­met­ic remod­el­ing (sid­ing, paint, roof, floor­ing dry wall, etc.) a res­i­den­tial per­mit is required. Please see the Build­ing Depart­ment Res­i­den­tial Per­mit Fee Sched­ule for per­mit costs. Inspec­tions are required for all jobs requir­ing a per­mit. Twen­ty four (24) hour notice is required for all nec­es­sary inspections.

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