ILP (Improve­ment Loca­tion Per­mit) Procedures

Out­lined are Per­mit Pro­ce­dures for Non­com­mer­cial Improve­ment & Per­ma­nent Signs.

Please note that all con­trac­tors doing work in the City of Mar­i­on must register.

For Minor Remod­el­ing in an Exist­ing Structure:

  1. Obtain a Build­ing Per­mit from the City of Mar­i­on Build­ing Department

For an Addi­tion to an Exist­ing Struc­ture, New Con­struc­tion, or Per­ma­nent Sign:

  1. Obtain an Improve­ment Loca­tion Per­mit from the City Plan­ning Department

    1. You must have a plot draw­ing show­ing lot dimen­sions; place­ment and dimen­sions of all build­ings exist­ing on the lot dimen­sions and place­ment of the pro­posed addi­tion; and also show clear­ance from build­ings to all lot lines.

  2. Bring your Improve­ment Loca­tion Per­mit along with plans and/​or draw­ings avail­able to the Mar­i­on Munic­i­pal Build­ing. *If no mail­ing address exists, address assign­ment is issued by the Plan Com­mis­sion when you apply for your Improve­ment Loca­tion Permit.
  3. All con­struc­tion must have nec­es­sary inspec­tions. Before addi­tions or new struc­tures may be legal­ly occu­pied, a final inspec­tion is required so you may obtain an Occu­pan­cy Permit.

Note: If dri­ve­ways, side­walks, or curbs are to be installed with­in right-of-way, see Engi­neer­ing & Traf­fic Depart­ment for a Street Cut Permit.