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Rental Prop­er­ty Registration

Rental Prop­er­ty Registration

* The dead­line for Rental Prop­er­ty Reg­is­tra­tion has been extend­ed to July 1st, 2020, due to COVID-19. If you wish to com­plete your reg­is­tra­tion while our offices are closed, you may mail your appli­ca­tion fol­low­ing the instruc­tions below.

Effec­tive Jan­u­ary 1st, 2020, the City of Mar­i­on requires all res­i­den­tial rental prop­er­ties, room­ing hous­es, apart­ment build­ings, and com­mer­cial hotels with­in city lim­its to reg­is­ter an Appli­ca­tion for Reg­is­tra­tion Receipt with the Build­ing Department.

* While City Hall remains closed due to the COVID-19 emer­gency, you may still print the attached form enti­tled Appli­ca­tion for Reg­is­tra­tion Receipt” and mail the com­plet­ed form(s) for each prop­er­ty with one cumu­la­tive check for one or more prop­er­ties, or cash pay­ment, with your application. 

Mail to:

Mar­i­on Build­ing / Code Enforce­ment
301 S. Bran­son St.
Mar­i­on, IN 46952

Ques­tions: Call 765.662.9931.

Files Attached:

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