Fac­tors for Inspection

Out­lined below are the fac­tors for inspec­tion for all res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial construction.

Required Inspec­tions for all Res­i­den­tial and Com­mer­cial Construction

You must pro­vide the per­mit num­ber and the job address to request an inspection.

You are respon­si­ble for call­ing the build­ing depart­ment when your project is ready for inspec­tion. Some­one (Con­trac­tor and/​or prop­er­ty own­er) must be present on site when the inspec­tion is con­duct­ed. If no one can be on-site dur­ing the inspec­tion, please resched­ule. The inspec­tion will NOT be con­duct­ed if no one is present. 

Inspec­tions are REQUIRED as follows:

1. Foot­ers: BEFORE con­crete is poured and a final.

2. Foun­da­tions and crawl area: BEFORE con­crete floors are poured or wood floor built and a final.

3. All rough-in fram­ing, plumb­ing, heat­ing, and wiring: BEFORE it is cov­ered up and a final.

4. Roof: After Tear off and a final. Ice and water Shield is required and must be inspected.

5. When upgrad­ing elec­tri­cal or new ser­vice: An inspec­tion is required before Amer­i­can Elec­tric Pow­er will con­nect. **Note – The ser­vice pan­el cov­er must be off for this inspection.

6. When chang­ing win­dow or door sizes: An inspec­tion is required dur­ing the job after remov­ing old win­dows and doors, and a final once the work is complete.

7. Final inspec­tions: Required for all jobs. All new struc­tures and room addi­tions are required to obtain a Cer­tifi­cate of Occu­pan­cy” from the City of Mar­i­on Build­ing Depart­ment before the struc­ture can be occu­pied. All work inspect­ed must be per cur­rent Build­ing Codes before a Cer­tifi­cate of Occu­pan­cy” will be issued.

To sched­ule an inspec­tion, please call 765.662.9931 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Mon­day through Fri­day. TWEN­TY-FOUR (24) HOUR NOTICE IS REQUIRED WHEN request­ing an inspec­tion. How­ev­er, that does not guar­an­tee next-day inspec­tion. Inspec­tions are sched­uled in the order the requests are received. We will do our best to sched­ule next-day inspec­tions when we receive 24-hour notice. Please plan accordingly. 

ATTEN­TION: Please note there may be a six­ty-dol­lar ($60.00) fee for missed sched­uled inspec­tions. If you feel you can­not make it to a sched­uled inspec­tion, please noti­fy the Build­ing Depart­ment as soon as pos­si­ble to can­cel or resched­ule. We will not resched­ule missed inspec­tions until the fee is paid.

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