Welcome to the Marion Police Department website! However you’ve come to visit here, we thank you for your interest. Please know that the Marion Police Department consists of some of the finest men and women in the State of Indiana! Each has pledged to serve, stand up to crooks, and help good people whenever possible. I couldn’t be more proud to have the privilege to lead these professional police officers, and I am excited that you’re reaching out now to learn about them, our department, and the services we offer.
And, if you happen to be here because you are interested in becoming a police officer, you are at the right place! MPD is looking for men and women of diverse life experiences who truly want to serve. If you think you may have what it takes to help us help others in a team-focused environment, click the link below or call the number listed and find out! Or, if you know someone younger than 40 years of age who possesses character and who is looking for an honorable profession, tell them MPD wants to speak with them.
Learn more about us as well on Facebook at Marion PD (Indiana). On behalf of all the members of the department, thank you again for visiting. We are at your service!
We, the members of the Marion Police Department, commit to providing the safest possible environment for our community and to exhibit professionalism and community-mindedness. We pledge to reduce crime and increase all citizens’ sense of safety whenever possible. We will also provide quality services to the public, even in areas not directly related to law enforcement. We pledge to evaluate and educate ourselves constantly in order to improve and grow as individuals and as a team. We will strive to treat others as we would expect to be treated.
Serving Our Community!
Patrol Division
MPD’s Patrol Division is the backbone of the police department. It is comprised of some of the finest police professionals in Indiana. Patrol Division is a team-focused, hardworking, results-producing mix of young officers and veterans making a real difference in Marion. Our patrol officers work as a team to stand up to chronic criminals who ask for our attention based on their choices, but also work hard to provide excellent services to good people and kids who need our help at times.
Criminal Investigations Division
CID is a high speed, low drag squad of highly trained, motivated detectives who investigate serious crimes. CID detectives are skilled at interviewing, crime scene investigation, following leads to successful case conclusion and then working closely with the Grant County Prosecutor in seeking justice.
Narcotics Investigations
MPD assigns narcotics detectives to the Joint Effort Against Narcotics (JEAN) Team to work in tandem with detectives from the Grant County Sheriff’s Department and Grant County Prosecutor to investigate drug crimes in Marion and Grant County. The synergy this partnership creates makes for a powerful tool in making Marion safer, taking drugs and dealers off the street.
The MPDK9 Squad is one of the finest, most well thought of units in Indiana. All our dogs and K9 handlers are trained extensively and constantly. Our K9s are able to perform officer protection functions, are skilled in apprehension, and are trained in narcotics detection. MPD has an experienced certified police K9 trainer on staff with more than 20 years’ experience so that we can select the best young dogs, train them well in the first place, then maintain that training during their entire time as part of our team.
Emergency Response Team or SWAT
MPD’s ERT, or SWAT, is utilized for high-risk arrest and search warrant service involving serious violent felons or other suspects known to be armed or dangerous. ERT members are the best of the best and must pass a rigorous selection process to be considered. Courage, superior physical fitness, firearms expertise with multiple weapons platforms, highly developed physical tactics skills, and a thorough understanding of advanced tactical applications are trademarks of the individuals who make up the team.
Honor Guard
The MPD Honor Guard consists of dedicated officers assigned to provide services that honor our heroes. The Honor Guard has worked memorial and funeral services for fallen officers in Indiana, our hero military service members who have been killed in action, and career law enforcement professionals who have passed away after a lifetime of service. In the past, our Honor Guard has traveled across Indiana and even participated in national law enforcement memorial services in Washington DC. MPD’s Honor Guard is the forerunner of and has served as a model for similar units at the Grant County Sheriff’s Department and the Marion Fire Department.
Drone Squad
MPD has developed an effective Drone Program that provides support services in search & rescue operations, surveillance during documented serious criminal investigations, firefighting, barricaded subject scenarios, and in high-risk warrant services situations. The use of drones has made police officers and citizens safer with the capability to use technology in certain dangerous situations in place of actual officers.
Training Division
MPD’s training effort is varied to match the demands of a full-service police agency and its officers. Special emphasis is placed on firearms, physical or defensive tactics and emergency driving. MPD has on staff several Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board certified instructors so that training can be accomplished in-house much of the time. MPD instructors are also detailed to the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy as adjunct instructors to assist with basic and advanced training in all police disciplines. MPD also assists other agencies in the area who may not possess significant training resources.
Serious Crash Investigation Team
MPD has on staff several trained Crash Investigators & Reconstructionists who handle investigations of serious and fatal crashes. Training is extensive and difficult, but prepares our investigators to conduct thorough, professional examinations in these important cases.
Bicycle Patrol
MPD utilizes Police Bicycle Patrols as needed as a way to get closer to the citizens who pay for what we have the privilege to do. Police Bikes can be seen at street festivals, in neighborhoods that might need special attention, and patrolling on the Cardinal Greenway and the Mississinewa Riverwalk.
MPD Police Athletic League (PAL Club)
MPD supports one of the largest Police Athletic Leagues in Indiana in terms of the number of kids served. Local kids can learn about softball, baseball, and indoor & outdoor soccer. In addition to the positive affiliation with the police department, sportsmanship and fun is always stressed in our safe environment. No family is ever turned away for an inability to pay for any part of the programming.
MPD Youth Academy
During the summer, MPD hosts kids between the ages of 12 – 15 for our MPD Youth Academy! Kids get to interact with and learn from real police officers, and be hands-on with exciting exercises including K9, SWAT, patrol issues, crime scene processing scenarios, actual firearms training, and other great stuff. The week is packed full of action and activity with a graduation celebration at the end of the week.
Officer Trading Cards
MPD officers are issued cool personalized trading cards to break down barriers with kids. Collect them all!
Cops & Kids in Partnership with FOP Lodge #79
MPD supports the Brian Sharp Memorial Cops & Kids event each December sponsored by Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #79. Throughout the year, police officers help identify families and kids who might need a little help at Christmas. Just before Christmas, officers will meet the kids at a local department store and help them shop for needed items and some toys.
Pistol Team
MPD fields a Pistol Team that competes against other agencies/officers for bragging rights. In the past, MPD’s Pistol Team has won numerous trophies and medals at matches around Indiana and at the National Police Shooting Championships in Albuquerque, NM. In the past, MPD team members won the Indiana FOP State Pistol Match Top Gun Award and Top Team Award in 13 of 15 and 14 of 15 years respectively.
Chaplaincy Program
MPD utilizes the services of a full-time Police Chaplain to provide crisis counseling to victims of serious crimes, death notification assistance, and helping officers who are often witness to unpleasant situations. MPD’s Chaplain rides on patrol with working police officers to facilitate spiritual and emotional health in a tough, challenging business.
MPD Facebook — Marion Police (Indiana)
MPD supports a vibrant and active Facebook presence, with over 36,000 followers. We balance the importance of keeping citizens informed about crime and being safer with the less serious, fun and sometimes lighthearted side of policing. Check it out on Facebook at Marion Police (Indiana)!
MPD dedicates significant time and effort to finding, recruiting and hiring the best possible police candidates for our team. We recognize that everyone is not cut out for the profession. But know as well that there are many character-driven, courageous, service-minded individuals looking for a way to help people and serve a cause larger than themselves as a member of a team. If you want to serve or if you would just like to have your questions answered, click the link below or call 765.668.4412.