
City Clerk & Court

City Clerk & Court

This sec­tion pro­vides infor­ma­tion about the City of Mar­i­on Clerk’s Office as well as infor­ma­tion and resources regard­ing City Court.

City Clerk

The City Clerk has the respon­si­bil­i­ty to:

  • Keep records of Com­mon Coun­cil pro­ceed­ings includ­ing the record­ing of all notes, and pre­serve all paper relat­ing to its business
  • Present ordi­nances, orders, or res­o­lu­tions to the may­or for approval; pre­pare and keep an ordi­nance book
  • Place indi­vid­u­als or groups on the coun­cil agen­da upon request
  • Have charge of all doc­u­ments and books entrust­ed to him or her by statute or ordinance
  • Admin­is­ter oaths with­out charg­ing a fee
  • Keep the City seal
  • Pro­vides ser­vices for City Court

The City of Mar­i­on Clerk’s Office does not han­dle mat­ters per­tain­ing to mar­riage, divorce, child sup­port, nor prop­er­ty tax­es. For these mat­ters and more, call the Grant Coun­ty Gov­ern­ment Office at 7656688871, or vis­it www​.grant​coun​ty​.net.

City Court

The Clerk’s Office pro­vides the fol­low­ing ser­vices for City Court:

  • Dock­ets and sets court dates for all mis­de­meanors, infrac­tion, and ordi­nance vio­la­tions filed in City Court
  • Receives pay­ment for mis­de­meanors, traf­fic tick­ets, ordi­nance vio­la­tions, and the return of City Court bond mon­ey (cash or mon­ey order only)

City Court meets:

  • Every Mon­day at 1:30pm for arraign­ments and pre-trials
  • Every Thurs­day at 1:30pm for arraign­ments and pre-trials
  • Every Thurs­day at 2pm for trials
  • Twice/​month (on Thurs­days) at 1pm for ordi­nance vio­la­tion trials

Pre­sid­ing Judge: Josh Howell

Pro­ba­tion Offi­cer: Brent Harshman

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