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Join Our Team!

Job Oppor­tu­ni­ties

We are cur­rent­ly accept­ing appli­ca­tions for the next mem­bers of the MPD Team!

Do you want to be part of a team?
Do you feel called to help peo­ple?
Do you want to be a ser­vant leader?
Can you com­mit to stand up to crim­i­nals who vic­tim­ize good peo­ple?

Then read on and select the link below to sub­mit your appli­ca­tion for the oppor­tu­ni­ty of a lifetime!

Officers in front of Bus Depot

Recruit­ment Con­tact Infor­ma­tion:

Deputy Chief Chris Butche

Melanie Sorensen, Train­ing Divi­sion

Phone: 765.668.4420
Hours: Mon­day-Fri­day, 8am-4pm

Ofc with Vehicle


MPD is a young, vibrant full-ser­vice police depart­ment with excel­lent peer sup­port, guid­ance, train­ing & oppor­tu­ni­ties for new officers!

  • Oppor­tu­ni­ties for advance­ment (detec­tive, cor­po­ral, sergeant, lieu­tenant, cap­tain, deputy chief, chief)
  • Spe­cial­ized units & excit­ing chal­lenges (K‑9, SWAT, full-time detec­tive, nar­cotics inves­ti­ga­tor, crime scene spe­cial­ist, Hon­or Guard, Fatal Crash Inves­ti­ga­tion Team, firearms, phys­i­cal tac­tics & emer­gency dri­ving instruc­tor cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, bicy­cle patrol, MPD Youth Acad­e­my men­tor, part­ner­ship with the Cops & Kids pro­gram and more)
  • Lat­er­al trans­fer offi­cers will enjoy the rate of pay and paid time-off ben­e­fits as if their senior­i­ty had been earned with MPD
  • Uni­forms & equip­ment pro­vid­ed; uni­form allowance & quar­ter­mas­ter sys­tem after pro­ba­tion­ary period
  • Take-home car
  • 3 days off per week (4 duty days @ 10-hours per shift per week; no rotat­ing days off)
  • Robust paid time off benefits
  • 7 per­son­al days & up to 7 weeks paid vacation
  • Employ­ee well­ness focused sick time policy
  • In-house gym; 2 hours per week paid time to work out (vol­un­tary)
  • Plen­ti­ful over­time pay opportunities
  • Part­ner­ship with Mar­i­on Com­mu­ni­ty Schools for reward­ing part-time job oppor­tu­ni­ties work­ing with our youth
  • Shift dif­fer­en­tial, longevi­ty & hol­i­day pay
  • Unused sick time bonus, paid annually
  • Med­ical, den­tal, vision & life insurance
  • Pen­sion earned at retirement
  • Full-time Police Chap­lain on staff for offi­cer sup­port; pro­fes­sion­al Employ­ee Assis­tance Pro­gram (EAP) avail­able (vol­un­tary)
  • Marion/​Grant Coun­ty has many din­ing & enter­tain­ment choic­es, social & qual­i­ty-of-life activ­i­ties and is also locat­ed less than an hour’s dri­ve from Fort Wayne & Indi­anapo­lis on I‑69; cost of liv­ing expense is extreme­ly afford­able in Grant County
Ofc in Honor Guard Uniform

Call or email Deputy Chief Chris Butche (info below), for more information.

We wish you good luck in applying!

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