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50/50 Side­walk Program

50/50 Side­walk Program

The City of Mar­i­on con­tin­ues to offer the 50/50 Side­walk Pro­gram as part of our fed­er­al­ly man­dat­ed ADA requirements.

How it works…

Cit­i­zens of Mar­i­on may con­tact the Engi­neer­ing & Traf­fic Depart­ment and set up a meet­ing to have an Engi­neer­ing Rep­re­sen­ta­tive meet with you at your loca­tion to review the side­walk you would like to replace/​repair. Upon com­ple­tion of the review, the City Rep­re­sen­ta­tive will con­tact qual­i­fied con­trac­tors to review the side­walk and have them return an esti­mate for the repair to the City of Marion.

The City Rep­re­sen­ta­tive will then meet with you to review the quotes. If you wish to pro­ceed, you will be required to sign off on the quote and pay 50% of the cost up front to the con­trac­tor, and the Engi­neer­ing Depart­ment will set up the project with the contractor.

Upon com­ple­tion of the replacement/​repair, the City will inspect the work with you to make sure you are sat­is­fied with the project at which point the remain­der of the 50% will be paid to the con­trac­tor by the City of Marion.

Sched­ule early…

Ear­ly sched­ul­ing of the 50/50 Side­walk Pro­gram is rec­om­mend­ed as these funds deplete quickly.

Note: The pro­gram is strict­ly for side­walks and dri­ve aprons locat­ed in the City’s Right of Way.

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