Bike Racks



Mar­i­on was named Indi­ana’s Best Small City to Retire In. (Worl­dAt­las, 2024)

On top of our cur­rent foun­da­tion of low tax­es, mort­gage suc­cess rates and more, Mar­i­on offers the fol­low­ing unique incentives:

Busi­ness Assistance

For start-up grants to revolv­ing loans to a com­plete busi­ness resource guide, vis­it the Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Coun­cil to dis­cov­er all the pos­si­bil­i­ties that can fos­ter a suc­cess­ful and grow­ing business.

Pub­lic Water Park

Come make a splash at Mar­i­on’s very own low-cost, high qual­i­ty-of-life water park attrac­tion, the Splash House!

Free Trans­porta­tion

The City of Mar­i­on prides itself on offer­ing free bus ser­vice. The Mar­i­on Tran­sit Sys­tem is acclaimed by the Indi­ana Coun­cil on Spe­cial­ized Trans­porta­tion and the Nation­al Rur­al Tran­sit Assis­tance Pro­gram. City of Mar­i­on Tran­sit System

Bike Racks

The City pro­vides unique and col­or­ful bike racks around the down­town, free to use, first come first serve!

Bike Racks Downtown

Free Event Space

The 5th Street Com­mons is a park­ing lot by day…light-up and elec­tric-ready event space by night! The 5th Street Com­mons is locat­ed at 5th and Wash­ing­ton Street, down­town Mar­i­on. Con­tact Lay­la Price-Bod­kin to find out more, or to reserve the space: 765.382.3755 / lprice@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov.

Event at 5th Street

Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park

Reserve the exquis­ite Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park event space afford­ably for wed­dings, group retreats, and more! But hurry…it books up quickly!


Region­al Airport

The Mar­i­on Munic­i­pal Air­port is an award-win­ning region­al air­port locat­ed just a short hop between both major Indi­ana cities. Find out more at mar​i​on​air​port​.net.


Relo­ca­tion Resources

New and return­ing Mar­i­on res­i­dents all receive a Wel­come Bag! Once you hook up ser­vices through Mar­i­on Util­i­ties, you’ll be giv­en a Wel­come Let­ter from the May­or to come to City Hall at any time to pick up this free gift with fun free stuff and lots of infor­ma­tion about Mar­i­on’s attrac­tions and services.

There are great oppor­tu­ni­ties for both employ­ers look­ing to recruit tal­ent and for prospec­tive employ­ees to relo­cate to Mar­i­on and Grant Coun­ty, IN. Vis­it Grant​Coun​ty​.com. You may also find great resources to help you accli­mate to the area by vis­it­ing GoGreater​Grant​.org.

Free and Leasable Parking

The City of Mar­i­on owns sev­er­al park­ing lots in the cen­ter of town. Spaces with­out a num­ber are first-come, first-served; num­bered spaces are reserved. To ensure park­ing near your place of busi­ness or your res­i­dence, just con­tact us to lease your own space or spaces. Call or email Whit­ney Gilbert at 765.382.3791 / wgilbert@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov. *Click on the attach­ment below to dis­cov­er city-owned lots pro­vid­ing free first-come, first-served space as well as leas­ing opportunities.

5th Street Commons
Files Attached: