City-Owned Prop­er­ties For Sale

The City of Mar­i­on has a prop­er­ty sale pro­gram in order to pro­vide a way for indi­vid­u­als look­ing to invest in Mar­i­on an afford­able way to do so.

Prop­er­ty Pro­gram

The City had acquired approx­i­mate­ly 900 parcels in 2010 which were left over from the Grant Coun­ty tax sale. Since then, the num­ber has reduced to over 200 parcels which are vacant lots. 

Most impor­tant­ly to the eco­nom­ic vital­i­ty of the city, pur­chas­ing one (or more) of these prop­er­ties, and tak­ing full respon­si­bil­i­ty and own­er­ship of them, puts the prop­er­ty back on the tax rolls, and fos­ters a healthy, self-sus­tain­ing Mar­i­on. It is also a win-win sce­nario of being a com­mu­ni­ty partner.

The pro­gram is also a way for home­own­ers to expand their cur­rent lots in the case one or more parcels is adja­cent to their prop­er­ty or properties.

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