IMG 0066

City­wide Cleanups

City­wide Cleanups

May­or Mor­rel­l’s City­wide Cleanups serve as one of the key pil­lars to ful­fill the Clean City 2.0 ini­tia­tive for a clean­er, safer, more wel­com­ing community.

CC 2025 Dates

How do City­wide Cleanups work?

Cen­tral Loca­tion Dropoff

All Mar­i­on res­i­dents may drop unwant­ed items off at the Cen­tral Loca­tion — City­wide Main­te­nance (520 E. 6th St.) any­time between 9am and 2pm dur­ing Cleanup days. *ID is required for proof of residence. 

Numer­ous dump­sters are pro­vid­ed by the City of Mar­i­on at the Cen­tral Loca­tion. Lit­ter grab­bers, trash bags, gloves, and oth­er resources are also avail­able to cit­i­zens who need them. A piz­za lunch is served at Noon, on a first come, first serve basis.

Spe­cial Curb­side Pick­up (seg­ment­ed each Cleanup)

Spe­cial Curb­side Pick­up ser­vice is a com­po­nent of City­wide Cleanups, serv­ing one sec­tion of the city at each Cleanup. Before each City­wide Cleanup, the City announces a des­ig­nat­ed Curb­side Pick­up sec­tion for that week­end. *Res­i­dents must have items at their curbs no lat­er than 9am that Sat­ur­day morn­ing as City­wide Main­te­nance crews start ear­ly and work all week­end and some­times into Mon­day or Tues­day of that fol­low­ing week (depend­ing on inclement weath­er and amount of trash). All res­i­dents out­side the des­ig­nat­ed sec­tion each time are asked to take unwant­ed items to the Cen­tral Loca­tion and not set them out at their curb. City crews are doing Curb­side Pick­up as an added ser­vice to citizens.

What We Do Not Accept

For City­wide Cleanups, we do not accept con­struc­tion debris, yard waste, tires, TVs, paint, and burn bar­rels. Mar­i­on Util­i­ties has a Dis­pos­al Guide at: https://​www​.mar​i​onu​til​i​ties​.com/​s​o​l​i​d​-​w​a​s​t​e​.html.

Acti­vate Your Area

We encour­age res­i­dents to form groups with­in their neigh­bor­hoods and clean up areas in need, espe­cial­ly on City­wide Cleanup days. For this, we strong­ly encour­age con­nect­ing with your neigh­bor­hood asso­ci­a­tion leader for direc­tion or ideas. Con­tacts for all neigh­bor­hood asso­ci­a­tions are found at city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​n​e​i​g​h​b​o​r​hoods.

What Hap­pens in Inclement Weather?

City­wide Cleanup dropoffs hap­pen rain or shine. *Walk­ing cleanup efforts and oth­er projects on Cleanup days are not orches­trat­ed by the City, there­fore deci­sion-mak­ing based on weath­er, etc., is at the dis­cre­tion of those out­side indi­vid­u­als or groups.

Con­nect on Socials for Col­lec­tive Impact!

If you acti­vate and clean up an area, and use hash­tag, #cleanci­ty­mar­i­on, or tag us — @CityofMarionIN. Be sure to use before’ and after’ pho­tos if possible. 

Thank you for your par­tic­i­pa­tion! We are Clean City 2.0!

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