Press Release

Kathy Moore Retires from PAL Club after 31 Years Share

Jan 25, 2018  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Kather­ine Kathy” Moore offi­cial­ly retired from her full-time posi­tion with the Mar­i­on Police Department’s PAL (Police Ath­let­ic League) Club after 31 years of ded­i­cat­ed ser­vice. Since 1986, Moore wore many hats with­in the club, doing every­thing nec­es­sary to keep it run­ning, above and beyond her posi­tion as office coor­di­na­tor. She and the club’s direc­tor, Bill Alter, worked togeth­er to get spon­sors, reg­is­ter coach­es and youth, order con­ces­sions, clean the gym, and so on.

Moore said over the years, the PAL Club became like fam­i­ly to her. All of my chil­dren and grand­chil­dren grew up through PAL. I’ve made a lot of friends through it. I love see­ing the kids have fun and enjoy them­selves, and espe­cial­ly love see­ing ones who when through it long ago now coach­ing and lead­ing the youth.” Moore said it was reward­ing to teach the kids sports­man­ship, encour­age them to make friends, and just have fun.

Moore will con­tin­ue to serve on the PAL Club Board, vol­un­teer when pos­si­ble, and be avail­able for them until her posi­tion is replaced. In retire­ment, she plans to trav­el more, spend time with fam­i­ly, and vol­un­teer for her church.

Mar­i­on Police Chief Angela Haley said through Moore’s work with the PAL Club, she has touched thou­sands of lives. She’s been a friend to all, and I can’t imag­ine the PAL Club with­out her. Thank­ful­ly, she will remain on the board as she con­tin­ues to serve the Mar­i­on Community.”

PAL Club Direc­tor, Bill Alter, said the club will not be the same with­out her. She was an inte­gral part of every­thing we did. She will be missed so much as she and I worked well togeth­er. I nev­er had to wor­ry about things as she did a great job. Kathy always told me I was the broth­er she nev­er had, and I loved that she thought of me like family.”

Moore’s last day was Jan. 25th.

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