Press Release

Grant Money Replaces Old Buses; Separate Grant Awards Cameras Share

Feb 1, 2018  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Four aging City bus­es are being replaced with new ones, large­ly through a fed­er­al grant admin­is­tered through the Indi­ana Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion (INDOT). The new bus­es are the 2017 Ford Cut­away E450 mod­el, replac­ing four of the City’s old­est buses.

The new bus­es offer state-of-the-art fea­tures includ­ing more safe­ty com­po­nents for the lift, a more effi­cient heat­ing sys­tem, and dig­i­tal dis­plays on the exte­ri­or to iden­ti­fy routes clear­ly and bright.

City of Mar­i­on Trans­porta­tion Direc­tor, Jeff Edwards, said the grant helped them replace more bus­es this year than last year. The cap­i­tal grant is com­prised of 80% fed­er­al ($244,000), 10% state ($45,000), and 10% local ($45,000) dollars. 

The total fleet of 13 bus­es is now made up of 4 2017’s, 5 2016’s, and 4 2010’s. The old bus­es have been sold to fund future Tran­sit needs.

The Trans­porta­tion Depart­ment also obtained new on-board video cam­eras through a sep­a­rate INDOT grant with the same struc­ture. That project cost was $60,000, and the City’s $6,000 match will be paid through bus adver­tis­ing. Edwards explained the grant was pret­ty com­pet­i­tive as many cities had applied and were not award­ed. The cam­eras will be installed in the spring and will enhance secu­ri­ty for the Tran­sit system.

Edwards said he’s thrilled with the great things hap­pen­ing through Trans­porta­tion. With over 1,000 passengers/​day, we serve more peo­ple in a day than any oth­er agency in Grant Coun­ty. Our oper­a­tion has been in the back­ground, how­ev­er, we are ful­fill­ing needs of peo­ple by tak­ing them to work, med­ical offices, shop­ping cen­ters, events, and more. We’re proud to offer free Tran­sit and want to keep it that way, and we’re always look­ing to improve.” 

The City has ful­filled many com­pli­ance and spe­cial train­ing require­ments in order to achieve these grants.

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