GP Designs, Inc. Share

Dec 1, 2017  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

If you have ever walked through the bright­ly lit streets of Radio City Music Hall in New York’s Rock­e­feller Cen­ter or Uni­ver­sal Stu­dio Park in down­town Orlan­do, FL dur­ing the Christ­mas sea­son, you were enjoy­ing the design and pro­duc­tion work of Marion’s own local man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­ny: GP Designs Inc.

GP Designs Inc. was formed in 2003, sep­a­rat­ing from their par­ent com­pa­ny Gen­er­al Plas­tic Cor­po­ra­tion to cre­ate a new vision and busi­ness atmos­phere for the pro­duc­tion of Hol­i­day Light­ing and Christ­mas Dec­o­rat­ing. Today, GP Designs leads as the pre­mier design­er and man­u­fac­tur­er in the Christ­mas Indus­try! Com­pa­ny own­ers, Dave and Sandy Loer, were the well-deserv­ing win­ners of the Spir­it of Entre­pre­neur­ship Award in 2008.

Though you can find GP Designs Inc.’s Christ­mas designs all over the nation, you can also find them right in your own back­yard: Marion’s Walk­way of Lights locat­ed in Mat­ter Park fea­tures many of GP Design’s bright­ly lit snowflakes, San­ta claus­es, can­dy canes and more!

To learn more about the Walk­way of Lights: http://​www​.showme​grant​coun​ty​.com/​g​r​a​n​t​-​c​o​u​n​t​y​-​a​t​t​r​a​c​t​i​o​n​s​/​w​a​l​k​w​a​y​-​o​f​-​l​i​ghts/

By Mikay­la Marazzi

Direc­tor of Mar­ket­ing & Communications

Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Council

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