Mani Hasanadka Share

Mar 10, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

A woman from the oppo­site side of the globe chose to make Mar­i­on her home and give back to the com­mu­ni­ty that wel­comed her.

Pon­nam­ma Mani” Hasanad­ka was born and raised on a farm in India, worked as a sur­gi­cal nurse, then got mar­ried and came to the Unit­ed States, first to New York in 1974, then Michi­gan, then Mar­i­on, Indi­ana, in 1981. She became a U.S. Cit­i­zen in 1985. She lat­er became a sin­gle mom, and, while rais­ing her chil­dren, want­ed ways to be active and serve locally.

Through­out sev­er­al decades, Mani has vol­un­teered with Meals on Wheels, the Sal­va­tion Army, the Mall Walk­ing Pro­gram, served in the cafe­te­ria for Mar­i­on Com­mu­ni­ty Schools, and is still active with the Gar­den Club of Mar­i­on. Since 2016, she has also vol­un­teered at the Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park. Recent­ly, health chal­lenges reduced her activ­i­ty, but she is still seen water­ing in the park, and help­ing neigh­bors with gar­den­ing in her complex.

Main­te­nance & Oper­a­tions Assis­tant Taylere McCoy said, Mani has always been eager to help in any way she can. She has fre­quent­ly watered flow­ers through­out the Gar­dens, not just in the Gar­den Club beds. Mani greets us with a smile and some­times brings us home­made snacks! She is a joy, and we are grate­ful for her.”

Above all the vol­un­teer­ing, Mani loves greet­ing and talk­ing to the peo­ple of Mar­i­on. The peo­ple here are friend­ly,” she said. They smile and care about you, no mat­ter who you are.”

Through local pro­grams, Mani also found avenues to bet­ter her­self. She has earned her G.E.D., improved in Eng­lish skills, took com­put­er class­es, and is a grad­u­ate of the Mar­i­on Police Department’s Citizen’s Police Acad­e­my, #1 in her class.

Mani is proud of her three suc­cess­ful chil­dren and sev­en grand­chil­dren. She is also proud of the place she’s called home for many years. Mar­i­on is a won­der­ful place to live.” She expressed Mar­i­on has a lot great oppor­tu­ni­ties for edu­ca­tion, work, and recreation.

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