Glen Weiland Share

Jul 8, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Glen Wei­land was born in Rock Springs, Wis­con­sin in 1936. He grad­u­at­ed from Reeds­burg High School in Reeds­burg, WI, then head­ed to Grant Coun­ty, Indi­ana to pur­sue a col­lege edu­ca­tion at Tay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty. Wei­land attend­ed school there, then fin­ished his degree at Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty in Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing. He imme­di­ate­ly went to work for Indi­ana Michi­gan Pow­er (I & M) as an Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer and worked there loy­al­ly until his retirement.

Wei­land is also a mil­i­tary vet­er­an hav­ing served a total of six years with the U.S. Air Force, active-duty, then inac­tive duty while work­ing for I & M.

Now at age 85, Wei­land still uses his skill set to help peo­ple in the com­mu­ni­ty. He has done numer­ous elec­tri­cal handy work to help oth­ers. Grant Coun­ty res­i­dent Cathy Shouse nom­i­nat­ed Weilend as a Cham­pi­on of the Month. Glen has helped me with dif­fer­ent elec­tri­cal things. He takes on big jobs, small jobs, is reli­able, and kind-heart­ed. I call him an unsung hero, and I know that many oth­ers would say the same about him. He is always help­ing oth­ers with his skills, and has a cheer­ful attitude.”

Since the ear­ly 1970s, Wei­land has vol­un­teered for Habi­tat for Human­i­ty of Grant Coun­ty, and is still will­ing to work. If they call me, I’ll do it. I just fig­ure it helps low-income peo­ple by giv­ing them a house at a reduced rate through a 20-year loan, and through the work of a lot of volunteers.”

For­mer Habi­tat Board Pres­i­dent, Jer­ry Whit­ton, said, Glen com­plet­ed elec­tri­cal work on 20+ Habi­tat homes. He was instru­men­tal in find­ing vol­un­teers to assist him, and many times would work along­side stu­dents teach­ing them the trade. By find­ing the best and most rea­son­able ways to com­plete the homes, he saved Habi­tat fam­i­lies hun­dreds of dol­lars in build­ing costs.” Whit­ton added, Glen always worked with­out com­plaint. He was a valu­able asset to our cause.”

Wei­land is also active in his church, Col­lege Wes­leyan Church, in Marion.

He and his late wife, Peg­gy, have 4 chil­dren, 10 grand­chil­dren, and 3 great grandchildren.

Son Tim­o­thy Weiland’s pride and love for his dad res­onat­ed in a phone inter­view. My dad is the hard­est work­ing indi­vid­ual I’ve ever met in my life, and I don’t say that just because he’s my dad. I’ve met many peo­ple through­out my life and career, and I don’t know any­one who works as hard as my dad.” He added that his father helps oth­ers gen­uine­ly out of con­cern and car­ing nature. I have met a lot of peo­ple he has helped. Whether or not they have the means to pay, he tru­ly wants to help them, and will help them. I think it’s part of his life mission.”

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