F.I.T.2help Share

Aug 30, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

A small stu­dio in Mar­i­on has a large heart for fit­ness and over­all well-being. F.I.T.2help began in 2010 by owner/​founder, Pam Hall, who car­ries 30 years of expe­ri­ence in the fit­ness indus­try. In 2016, Pam, with the help of her Super­man” hus­band, Mark, opened the doors of F.I.T.2help in south Mar­i­on at 4001 S. West­ern Avenue.

Hall opened F.I.T.2help to car­ry forth her val­ue of encour­ag­ing oth­ers to live a healthy lifestyle both phys­i­cal­ly and emo­tion­al­ly. Her hope is to lift up her clients through­out their jour­ney. I have been blessed to wit­ness many build strength, sta­mi­na, and self-con­fi­dence,” Hall said.

F.I.T.2help’s slo­gan is, Fit­ness Made Per­son­al,” and its goal is to do just that. Each per­son or group mat­ters and has per­son­al needs, goals, and/​or chal­lenges, and it is impor­tant to start there. Our goal is to lis­ten, lead, and encourage…and to have fun get­ting health­i­er,” Hall explained.

F.I.T.2help offers per­son­al train­ing, stu­dio mem­ber­ships with lim­it­ed hours, F.I.T.2help’s 5 W’s, assess­ments, CPR cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, extra fit­ness chal­lenges (for mem­bers or busi­ness­es), and more.

Mem­bers also have a chance to take part in spe­cial activ­i­ties such as a sum­mer beach par­ty, Christ­mas sock day, Hol­i­day LIFTT and Craft evening, and even a pet club, Milo’s Mut­t­ley Crew.” 

Hall expressed hum­ble grat­i­tude for the help she her­self has received, reflect­ing on her own jour­ney. I thank God for keep­ing the doors open at times when I may have quit. I am thank­ful for the encour­age­ment and help from fam­i­ly and friends through­out the years.”

Hall explained why she chose Mar­i­on as the cen­tral loca­tion of her busi­ness. Mar­i­on is a spe­cial town. There are so many peo­ple that are car­ing and gen­er­ous. I have wit­nessed this count­less times. One spe­cial way is when we do Blankets2Bless” (in part­ner­ship with the Grant Coun­ty Res­cue Mis­sion) and see the full cir­cle of giv­ing from both those donat­ing and those receiving.”

Per­son­al train­ing and oth­er activ­i­ties are sched­uled by appoint­ment out­side mem­ber­ship hours. Days and evening times are avail­able. Stu­dio mem­ber­ship open hours are Mon­day, Wednes­day, and Fri­day from 9am to 1pm. Find out more at fit2help​.com, or on Face­book at FIT2help.

Sub­mit­ted by: Lay­la Price-Bod­kin, City of Marion

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