Press Release

Joint Release: Marion Public Library & IWU launch the Storywalk at Matter Park Share

Nov 25, 2024  |  Web Administrator

Start­ing in spring, fam­i­lies can explore children’s sto­ries as they fol­low a scenic trail at Mat­ter Park through the Sto­ry­walk. The inter­ac­tive lit­er­a­cy pro­gram is co-spon­sored by Mar­i­on Pub­lic Library and Indi­ana Wes­leyan University.

Pages of a book will appear at sta­tions, encour­ag­ing read­ing while chil­dren and adults walk the trail. The acces­si­ble trail – which will be free — is sched­uled to be installed by April 22, 2025 and will be avail­able dur­ing park hours.

We are thrilled to part­ner with Mar­i­on Pub­lic Library on this ini­tia­tive, which seam­less­ly aligns with two pri­ma­ry pil­lars of this admin­is­tra­tion: Pro­mot­ing fit­ness and advanc­ing lit­er­a­cy,” says May­or Ron Mor­rell. I am eager to con­tribute to build­ing a health­i­er and more edu­cat­ed community.”

Mar­i­on Pub­lic Library & His­to­ry Cen­ter, the City of Mar­i­on and Parks Depart­ment, and Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty col­lab­o­rat­ed on the Sto­ry­walk. IWU gen­er­ous­ly pro­vid­ed par­tial funding.

IWU will always sup­port part­ner­ing with orga­ni­za­tions in this com­mu­ni­ty that sup­port eco­nom­ic vital­i­ty and edu­ca­tion such as the Mar­i­on Pub­lic Library and the City of Mar­i­on,” says Keenan Davis, direc­tor of IWU Cam­pus and Com­mu­ni­ty Collaborations.

The Sto­ry­walk will fea­ture a rotat­ing selec­tion of children’s pic­ture books, ensur­ing that there’s always some­thing new for fam­i­lies to dis­cov­er with­in the beau­ti­ful set­ting of Mat­ter Park. 

This project allows fam­i­lies to explore both lit­er­a­ture and nature togeth­er while encour­ag­ing lit­er­a­cy and out­door activ­i­ty. It is a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect our com­mu­ni­ty and cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries,” says Jaime Pitt, direc­tor of Mar­i­on Pub­lic Library. 

Mar­i­on Pub­lic Library & His­to­ry Cen­ter has always been com­mit­ted to spark­ing a love for read­ing and learn­ing in our com­mu­ni­ty. Work­ing with the City of Mar­i­on and the Parks Depart­ment, and Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty exem­pli­fies how we can bring sto­ries to life out­side the walls of the library.”

You may find the offi­cial press release attached with con­tact information.

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