Did you know that Marion has 16 active neighborhood associations throughout the community? The city collectively gained three more neighborhood associations in 2024 (from 13 to 16), thanks to the drive and dedication of our community leaders. Neighborhood Associations are not the equivalent to homeowners associations. They serve as a connection point among neighbors of a certain geographical area, as well as a direct connection to city government officials, in order to build and maintain safe and welcoming neighborhoods.

The full list of neighborhood associations complete with a map of each boundary, their respective leader and contact information, and even neighborhoods seeking reactivation, are found on the Neighborhood Associations page under City Development on our website (shortcut: cityofmarion.in.gov/neighborhoods).
If you find that you live in an area with no active neighborhood association, you may contact City of Marion Neighborhood Association Coordinator, Deana Vice, at dvice@cityofmarion.in.gov / 765.382.3797.