
Did You Know: Cooling Shelters Share

Jul 15, 2024  |  Web Administrator

Dur­ing extreme heat, the Grant Coun­ty Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency pro­motes the fol­low­ing three loca­tions in Mar­i­on which serve as cool­ing shel­ters for any­one in need:

  • St. Mar­tin Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter (dur­ing nor­mal oper­at­ing hours)
    Hours: 7:30am-4pm, sev­en days a week
    Address: 901 S. Bran­son St.
    Phone: 765.651.9324
  • Grant Coun­ty Fam­i­ly YMCA (dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours)
    Hours: Mon-Thurs: 5am-9pm ~ Fri: 5am-8pm ~ Sat: 6am-5pm
    Address: 123 Sut­ter Way
    Phone: 765.664.0544
  • Grant Coun­ty Res­cue Mis­sion
    Hours: 247
    Address: 423 S. Gal­latin St., #1937
    Phone: 765.662.0988

Please stay cool this summer!

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