Press Release

“Marion Reads” Emerges in Sync with Black History Month Share

Feb 12, 2024  |  Web Administrator

The City of Mar­i­on is open­ing the first chap­ter of May­or Ronald Mor­rell, Jr.’s ini­tia­tive to improve local lit­er­a­cy rates through encour­ag­ing read­ing. The May­or Mor­rell Youth Assis­tance Pro­gram” is offi­cial­ly being launched through a com­mu­ni­ty cam­paign called, Mar­i­on Reads.” Start­ing (update) Tues­day, Feb­ru­ary 20th, and through­out the month, May­or Mor­rell will read in the com­mu­ni­ty a children’s book enti­tled, Ron’s Big Mis­sion, while tying in Black His­to­ry Month. 

Ron’s Big Mis­sion, based in the 1950s, is about a boy with big dreams to become a pilot. He would reg­u­lar­ly read in his local library, but was nev­er allowed to have a library card because of his color…until one day when he took a stand. The fic­tion­al book is based on true events lead­ing to the suc­cess of real-life astro­naut and sci­en­tist, Ron McNair.

May­or Mor­rell will be read­ing the city’s fea­tured book in the local ele­men­tary schools and Mar­i­on Pub­lic Library.

Invest­ing in the edu­ca­tion of our youth through ini­tia­tives like Mar­i­on Reads is not just a civic duty; it is a pro­found com­mit­ment to the future pros­per­i­ty of our com­mu­ni­ty. By fos­ter­ing a cul­ture of lit­er­a­cy, we empow­er our young minds to explore the bound­less pos­si­bil­i­ties of knowl­edge. Mar­i­on Reads is not mere­ly a pro­gram; it is a dec­la­ra­tion of our belief in the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of edu­ca­tion, shap­ing a gen­er­a­tion that will lead with wis­dom, inno­vate with cre­ativ­i­ty, and con­tribute mean­ing­ful­ly to the tapes­try of our shared tomorrow.” 

- May­or Ronald Mor­rell, Jr.

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