Det. Jay Mitchener Share

Jul 7, 2022  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Detec­tive Jay Mitch­en­er was hired onto the Mar­i­on Police Depart­ment in April of 2004. After 11 years on Patrol, Mitch­en­er became a Detec­tive, a dream role he pur­sued since join­ing MPD

Being able to be a voice for the vic­tim when they’re not able to be that voice for them­selves, and work­ing a crime scene to find evi­dence that leads us to find­ing a sus­pect and even­tu­al­ly bring jus­tice to the crime…that’s my end goal,” expressed Mitch­en­er of the rewards of the job.

He most recent­ly worked a child molest case that went to court and result­ed in con­vic­tion with sen­tenc­ing to occur this month (July 2022).

Mitch­en­er is known to have worked a child molest case known around the world. In 2018, a Mar­i­on man, Nicholas Deon Thrash, was sen­tenced to 160 years in prison for ten counts of child molesta­tion for forc­ing a 10-year-old girl to have sex with him over a two-year peri­od, also impreg­nat­ing her.

In reflec­tion, Mitch­en­er said, this con­vic­tion shows that the effort put into a case can pay off, and the fam­i­ly can have the jus­tice for what was done to the victim.”

Mitch­en­er is a cer­ti­fied Crime Scene Inves­ti­ga­tor on a team of detec­tives who inves­ti­gate severe crimes includ­ing col­lect­ing evi­dence and pre­serv­ing the scene. 

Chief Angela Haley said of Mich­en­er, Jay is a ded­i­cat­ed employ­ee who works hard to give clo­sure to vic­tims of crime.”

Deputy Chief Lar­ry Shaw added, I worked along­side Jay in Detec­tives when he first came to the unit. Jay is always will­ing to learn, and if you need help, he is the first to step up. Jay, today, will offer advice to young offi­cers to help them inves­ti­gate cas­es. He also took the lead with the Grant Coun­ty Judges to rework how we con­duct prob­a­ble cause hear­ings on the weekends.”

Mitch­en­er also serves on the MPD Hon­or Guard.

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