
City Continues Leaf Bag Assistance Program Share

Oct 15, 2020  |  Web Administrator

The City of Mar­i­on will be con­tin­u­ing the leaf bag assis­tance pro­gram this sea­son. Mar­i­on res­i­dents who are in need of leaf bags may pick them up at the May­or’s office between 8am and 4pm Mon­day through Fri­day by enter­ing City Hall from the Bran­son St. entrance. Upon pro­vid­ing proof of res­i­den­cy, each address shall receive 20 leaf bags.

May­or Alum­baugh would like to thank Max’s Ace Hard­ware for pro­vid­ing a gen­er­ous dis­count in pur­chas­ing the leaf bags for dis­tri­b­u­tion to the com­mu­ni­ty.

Reminder: City Ordi­nance requires the bag­ging of leaves in biodegrad­able bags and set­ting them at the curb for pick up. Rak­ing the leaves into the street is no longer per­mit­ted. The bagged leaves will be picked up on the same day as trash pick up for residents.

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