
Leaf Bags at City Hall will be Restocked on 11/2/20 Share

Oct 27, 2020  |  Web Administrator

Leaf bags are tem­porar­i­ly out of stock at City Hall. The City is work­ing with Max Ace Hard­ware this year, and is grate­ful for their con­tin­ued help to sup­ply bags for this sea­son’s dis­tri­b­u­tion pro­gram. The May­or’s Office will have more in stock on Mon­day, Novem­ber 2nd, 2020 to dis­trib­ute bun­dles of 20 bags for cit­i­zens who need them.

Please note that City Hall admin­is­tra­tive offices will be closed on Tues­day, Novem­ber 3rd, for Elec­tion Day, and bags will be unavail­able for pickup.

Reminder: City Ordi­nance requires bag­ging leaves in biodegrad­able bags and set­ting them at the curb for pick­up. Rak­ing leaves into the street is not per­mit­ted. Bagged leaves are picked up on the same day as trash pick­up for res­i­dents. The same hol­i­day sched­ule applies.

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