Action Motorsports Share

Jul 8, 2021  |  Web Administrator

Action Motor­sports opened in Mar­i­on in 1996 sell­ing and repair­ing go-karts and scoot­ers, and was the only place in Mar­i­on sell­ing zero-turn lawn mow­ers at the time. The busi­ness is owned by Mike and Pam Har­ris. For sev­er­al years, Pam oper­at­ed the store through the week­days, and Mike would do repairs and assem­bly on nights and weekends. 

As the busi­ness grew, they moved into a larg­er build­ing at 206 N. Bald­win Ave. Action Motor­sports is not indica­tive of all they do. The focus of the busi­ness has become rep­re­sent­ing sev­er­al unique and qual­i­ty lines of out­door pow­er equip­ment, and pro­vid­ing parts and ser­vice to the cus­tomers who use that equipment. 

Action Motor­sports is for­tu­nate to have had cus­tomers whose par­ents or grand­par­ents were cus­tomers, and grat­i­fied when those cus­tomers share how Action Motor­sports helped them meet a need in main­tain­ing their prop­er­ty or some­times just enjoy­ing it more with the help of a UTV

We appre­ci­ate the Cham­ber mem­bers pro­mot­ing each other’s endeav­ors and their efforts to sup­port local busi­ness­es when­ev­er pos­si­ble. As new devel­op­ment appears in the area, we are anx­ious to share in the enthu­si­asm of growth with an atti­tude of ser­vice and opti­mism,” said Mike Harris.

Like many local busi­ness­es, the past year has been chal­leng­ing to main­tain inven­to­ry of many prod­ucts due to dis­rup­tions in the sup­ply chain.

For the past 9 years, the Har­ris’ Great Dane, Maxwell, has been dili­gent to come to work each day to serve as greeter and head of pub­lic relations. 

Action Motor­sports has lawn mow­ers from Sim­plic­i­ty, Grasshop­per, Snap­per, Snap­per­Pro, TORO, and Coun­try Clip­per. They also have hand­held equip­ment from ECHO and Amer­i­can-made UTVs from Amer­i­can Land­mas­ter. They pro­vide parts and ser­vice for every prod­uct they sell and many oth­ers as well. 

Mike and Pam remain thank­ful for com­mu­ni­ty sup­port and look for­ward to a bright future in Marion. 

Action Motor­sports
206 N. Bald­win Ave.
Mar­i­on In 46952

Sub­mit­ted by:

Kylie Jack­son

Mar­i­on-Grant Coun­ty Cham­ber of Commerce

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