
3rd Annual Chocolate Walk This Weekend, 2/10-11, 2023 Share

Feb 8, 2023  |  Web Administrator

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Treat your­self through­out down­town this week­end at the 3rd Annu­al Choco­late Walk! 

The City of Mar­i­on’s Dis­cov­er Mar­i­on Down­town” team has again part­nered with Dawn & Bri­an Con­well, own­ers of three down­town busi­ness­es — True Envy Bou­tique, Ash­ley’s Ice Cream Café, and Jig­saw Junc­tion — to bring you this deca­dent dessert event, all pro­ceeds of which will this year raise funds for down­town Mar­i­on’s Com­mu­ni­ty School of the Arts.

There are even more down­town businesses/​organizations par­tic­i­pat­ing this year for a total of 17 stops along the Choco­late Walk. Each will pro­vide a unique gourmet choco­late for tick­et hold­ers to col­lect along the way, thanks to many sponsors.

*Buy tick­ets while they last at these par­tic­i­pat­ing loca­tions (ALL 17 stops are list­ed on your ticket)

Tick­et-sell­ing Locations:

Ashley’s/​Jigsaw Junc­tion & F.C. Tuck­er — 402 S. Wash­ing­ton St.
CSA — 305 S. Adams St.
First Unit­ed Methodist Church — 624 S. Adams St.
Grant Coun­ty Fam­i­ly YMCA — 123 Sut­ter Way
Jer­ry’s Leather Shop — 104 E. 4th St.
Los Amores — 428 S. Wash­ing­ton St.
Park­er’s Seafood — 525 S. Bran­son St.
Peer­less Print­ing — 513 S. Wash­ing­ton St.
Psy­che­del­ic Cel­lar and Mar­i­on Cycle Works — 207 S. Wash­ing­ton St.
Strive Stu­dio — 312 S. Wash­ing­ton St.
True Envy Bou­tique and Design Stu­dio 407 — 139 E. 3rd St.

*Please vis­it dur­ing their open hours.
*Tick­ets are $10/​person and they are lim­it­ed.

Live Music:
Ash­ley’s in Rid­ley Tow­er will fea­ture live music Fri­day night with Mar­sha Ver­mil­ion from 6 – 8pm, then Sat­ur­day with Sam­my Kay from 3 – 5pm, and Kei­th Con­nor will per­form on Sat­ur­day between 12 – 6pm at 116 W. 4th St. (the old Lyric Theater). 

Pop-Up Shop­ping: Hive Mind Mar­ket will be set up at Ash­ley’s on Fri. from 5 – 9pm and Sat. from 12 – 6pm.

Park­ing: Free Park­ing is avail­able through­out down­town. There are plen­ty of 2‑Hr street park­ing spots and 2‑Hr unnum­bered spaces in city lots Mon-Fri, and UNLIM­IT­ED park­ing after 5pm and all day on week­ends. (Find the city lot map at city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​p​a​rking)

All loca­tions are indoors.

3rd Annu­al Choco­late Walk Spon­sors: The Preusz Group, J.G. Bow­ers, F.C. Tuck­er, Mor­rel­l’s Scoot­ers, Dream More Prop­er­ties, True Envy Bou­tique, Ash­ley’s Ice Cream Café, Peer­less Print­ing, Dis­cov­er Mar­i­on Down­town, and the City of Marion

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