
Ani­mal Care & Control

Ani­mal Care & Control

The mis­sion of Ani­mal Care & Con­trol is to pro­vide a com­pas­sion­ate and healthy envi­ron­ment for the ani­mals in their care until they are returned to own­ers or adopted.

The shel­ter staff is friend­ly and wel­com­ing, and pro­vides an array of ser­vices to fos­ter per­ma­nent homes for these animals.

Pro­grams & Services


Our Face­book page is the method we use to doc­u­ment every ani­mal that comes in, and we also post ani­mals that are up for adop­tion. If you see an ani­mal on Face­book for adop­tion, you may con­tact us and come in to meet that ani­mal. Mar­i­on Ani­mal Care & Con­trol Face­book Page.

Loan­ing Love”

Loan­ing Love” was cre­at­ed in 2013. When we were hold­ing Pup­py Play Date” at IWU each year, col­lege stu­dents would tell us that what they missed from home the most was their beloved pets. We have, on aver­age, 30 – 40 dogs that are up for adop­tion at all times, and they would love to spend time out­side the shel­ter. Hence, we cre­at­ed the Loan­ing Love” pro­gram. All you have to do is come into the shel­ter, fill out an appli­ca­tion, and choose from the dogs that are qual­i­fied to go. The dogs need to return to the shel­ter at 4:30pm after the day-long play date.

On-site Vet

Doc­tor Durkes is at the Mar­i­on Ani­mal Care & Con­trol Shel­ter Tues­day through Thurs­day from 8am – 5pm. His num­ber is (765) 6640734. His emer­gency num­ber is 765.661.7873. Web­site: durkesvet​eri​naryclin​ic​.com

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