

Mar­i­on & Grant Coun­ty Events

Dis­cov­er all the hap­pen­ings in Mar­i­on and Grant County!

Under May­or Mor­rel­l’s admin­is­tra­tion, the City of Mar­i­on has begun hold­ing sev­er­al events to ful­fill his ini­tia­tives. We are plan­ning a music fest in 2025, a Mar­i­on Marathon offer­ing a $10,000 prize, as well as con­tin­u­ing tra­di­tion­al events such as the Earth Day Fes­ti­val, Mar­i­on’s Birth­day Party/​State of the City address, Fall Fest, Walk­way of Lights’ annu­al down­town Mir­a­cle on 3rd & 4th Street” event. and much more.

For major events and attrac­tions, vis­it ShowMe​Grant​Coun​ty​.com.

For City of Mar­i­on-spon­sored events, check out the News & Events sec­tion of our web­site. To see up-to-the-sec­ond post­ings, cut and paste this link into your favorite feed­er app: https://​city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​n​e​w​s​-​e​v​e​n​t​s​/feed. Events are also post­ed on our Face­book page as well as the News & Events sec­tion. City events are now at your fin­ger­tips with the new City App. Receive noti­fi­ca­tions of news and events by down­load­ing MyMar­i­on­App for free on your Android or iPhone.

Com­ing soon!

We are work­ing with What’s Up 247 to fea­ture a robust com­mu­ni­ty cal­en­dar, busi­ness direc­to­ry, job list­ing hub and more — All made pos­si­ble through the Grant Coun­ty Con­ven­tion and Vis­i­tors’ Bureau.