
What to Know: July 3rd Celebration Share

Jul 2, 2024  |  Web Administrator

Weath­er Con­tin­gency Plan:

We are watch­ing the weath­er for the City of Mar­i­on’s July 3rd Cel­e­bra­tion, and have the fol­low­ing updates to share in the event of inclement weather:

  • Music with The Soul Lounge Band” will be rain or shine! If the weath­er pos­es an issue, the band will move to Shel­ter 5 which is just north of the Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park near the band shell. This deci­sion will be made at a lat­er time.
  • The Fire­works will move to Fri­day evening if absolute­ly nec­es­sary. A deci­sion will be made at a lat­er time.

*Please check the City Web­site, the City Face­book Page, or the Parks Face­book Page for updates. (To include the City’s news and announce­ments to your RSS feed­er of choice, you may add https://​city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​n​e​w​s​-​e​v​e​n​t​s​/feed).

Park­ing & Traf­fic Flow:

Mar­i­on Tran­sit will offer shut­tle ser­vice for this event which will start at the mall behind Ros­es at 5pm, end­ing at 11pm.

Main park­ing will be locat­ed in the grass just off of N. Riv­er Rd. which may be accessed from either the bypass or the northwest.

Mat­ter Park Road will be blocked to through traf­fic and park­ing except for res­i­dents along that road dur­ing the event.

Event Times, Ven­dors, & More as of 7/2/24:

Ven­dor info, fea­ture times, and more are post­ed on our Face­book Event Page. The lat­est info list­ed on that page (as of 7/2/24) is pro­vid­ed below:

Come cel­e­brate Amer­i­ca’s Inde­pen­dence Day at Mat­ter Park! We’ll have food, fam­i­ly activ­i­ties, live music, and of course, fire­works! The event offi­cial­ly starts at 5pm, with the kids’ car­ni­val run­ning from 6 – 8pm. Live music starts at 8pm, lead­ing into the fire­works which start at 10pm (or dusk). This event is open to the pub­lic with no admis­sion fee. How­ev­er, most of our ven­dors do charge for food and ser­vices. Be sure to fol­low this event page for updates!


The Eis Wag­on
Pap­pies Lunch­box
LT Con­ces­sions
Laugh­ing Lemon
Bloom Bak­ery
Twist­ed Sug­ar
Tacos Don Bur­ro
Kona Ice of Mid­west Indi­ana
Taque­ria El Mezquite
Imag­ine Burg­ers
Rob’s Kitchen
The Can­dy Box
Steve’s Ket­tle and Caramel Corn
KM Dogs on Buns
The Tom­a­hawk
Crazy Munchies
Mar­i­on Flag Store
Park­er’s Seafood Kitchen
Obi’s BBQ

KiDoo­dles Face and Body Art

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