Press Release

What to Know for 1st Citywide Cleanup, 6/29/24 Share

Jun 4, 2024  |  Web Administrator

The City of Mar­i­on is con­duct­ing its first of four City­wide Cleanups on Sat­ur­day, June 29th, 2024, from 9am to 2pm, and has pro­vid­ed cit­i­zens with what to expect for that day.

There will be a Cen­tral Loca­tion on June 29th at 33rd and Nebras­ka St. with mul­ti­ple dump­sters pro­vid­ed by the City of Mar­i­on. At this loca­tion, trash pick­up tools includ­ing lit­ter grab­bers, trash bags, and gloves will be avail­able to cit­i­zens who need them. Piz­za will also be pro­vid­ed at Noon, on a first come, first serve basis.

All res­i­dents with­in the city lim­its may drop bags and large items off at the Cen­tral Loca­tion any­time between 9am and 2pm that day (ID required). Only res­i­dents who live between 30th and 50th St., and from the bypass to Lin­coln Blvd., will have sub­se­quent curb­side pick­up ser­vice for large items as part of this City­wide Cleanup. Res­i­dents who live out­side this perime­ter may set large items out for pick­up dur­ing one of the lat­er City­wide Cleanup dates (remain­ing three quad­rants TBA).

Yard waste will not be accept­ed or picked up as part of the City­wide Cleanup efforts. Each week through­out the year, res­i­dents may set out leaf bags and/​or 4‑ft. long tied bun­dles of yard waste on the same day as their trash for rou­tine sol­id waste pickup.

No tires, paint, or TVs will be accept­ed or picked up dur­ing City­wide Cleanups. The Grant Coun­ty Recy­cling Cen­ter accepts these items for a small fee. (Con­tact: 765.677.6044 ext. 148)

For res­i­dents who would like to con­nect with their neigh­bor­hood leader for more direc­tion or ideas to help clean up their respec­tive area, Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion Pres­i­dents’ con­tact infor­ma­tion is locat­ed on our web­site, city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​n​e​i​g​h​b​o​r​hoods.

Attached is a print­able fly­er to help with distribution:

Cleanup Flier 6.29.24

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