A third Collective Listening Session for ‘Riverside Park’ is set for January 9th, 2023, from 1 – 2pm, at Los Amores’ atrium area on the bottom floor of the Boston Hill Center (428 S. Washington St., downtown, Marion, IN). Food and drink will be available for purchase. There is no need to RSVP, but seating is limited. Public transportation is available.
You’ll be encouraged to share your ideas and be a part of the planning process of green spaces downtown into Ballard Field along the Mississinewa River.

Online voting is still open to pick your favorite features based on inspirational visits to other communities and Marion’s 30-year plan (see attached images). You may vote only once online, but can choose up to five features, and even add your own. (link to vote: https://forms.gle/YBwLD8Wv8QENt6oS7 or scan QR code from flyer)