
Share your Preferred 'Riverside Park' Features through Survey Share

Nov 29, 2022  |  Web Administrator

Online vot­ing is now open to pick your favorite fea­tures for River­side Park,’ down­town’s for­mer First Fri­day” area into Bal­lard Field which runs south of the Mis­sis­se­newa Riv­er in the heart of Mar­i­on, IN.

You may refer to the con­cept draw­ings for Mar­i­on (attached) and images from oth­er com­mu­ni­ties if you’d like, before voting.

Vote only once online, but choose up to five fea­tures, and even add your own!

Here’s the link to vote:

We will soon announce a third Col­lec­tive Lis­ten­ing Ses­sion for Jan­u­ary, 2023, where you’ll be encour­aged to share your ideas and be a part of the plan­ning process.

Thank you for your input.

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