
Video Released: Marion City Flag-raising Ceremony Highlights Share

May 30, 2019  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

On Mar­i­on’s birth­day, May 20th, 2019, the City of Mar­i­on held a com­mu­ni­ty-wide flag-rais­ing cer­e­mo­ny for the new city flag which was unveiled ear­li­er in the year. May­or Jess Alum­baugh and Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions Direc­tor Lay­la Price-Bod­kin led the cer­e­mo­ny at City Hall, while oth­er flags were being raised through­out the city. The sym­bol on the flag was devel­oped by pas­sion­ate vol­un­teers of IWU’s Mar­i­on Design Co.

Excerpt from video: 

We encour­aged cit­i­zens over the past sev­er­al months to buy a city flag to show spir­it for our com­mon identity…our team…Marion. This deci­sion was based on lis­ten­ing to com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers, stu­dents of IWU’s Mar­i­on Design Co., and the intu­ition that hav­ing our very own flag would be an inspir­ing next step in the process of telling the sto­ry of the City’s brand as it was devel­oped by pas­sion­ate local vol­un­teers. On the flag, the Mar­i­on M” made up of uni­fy­ing blues is pow­er­ful­ly yet com­fort­ably dis­played on a pure white back­ground. Fol­low­ing exten­sive com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment in 2016 & ear­ly 2017, vol­un­teer stu­dents and professors…making up the new­ly estab­lished Mar­i­on Design Co.,…put their heads and hearts togeth­er to design this uni­fy­ing sym­bol of our city. Just as they plant­ed them­selves Down­town to learn and inter­act first-hand with Mar­i­on cit­i­zens, they devel­oped a mark’ that is plant­ed in the heart of Mar­i­on. The cen­ter square rep­re­sents the Cour­t­house Square which is in the shape of a dia­mond because it, along with the shapes around it form­ing the M” rep­re­sent­ing the many spaces that make up this com­mu­ni­ty, is ris­ing up and out of the ground, and mov­ing toward the future. Now dis­played as the cen­ter­piece of Marion’s city flag, fly­ing high on flag poles and build­ings, you will see the M” in motion. Maybe this will be a con­stant reminder to be in motion and do things to make Mar­i­on a bet­ter place for all of us…with the future of Mar­i­on in mind.”

Flags may be pur­chased at Collins Flags (1301 S. Bald­win Ave., Mar­i­on, IN 46953 / 8009504061). 10% of your pur­chase returns to the City of Mar­i­on to use for com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment efforts. You are invit­ed to take a pic­ture or video of your flag and post it on social media using #cham­pi­on­mar­i­on, or email it to lprice@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov.

Video pro­duced by Michael Math­ias. Insta­gram: @MichaelMathias.

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