*We have provided an UPDATED release for the Third Citywide Cleanup showing an adjusted perimeter to cover more area while helping city crews use familiar routing for curbside pickup. Below, you’ll find the new release along with a map of the quadrant included in the release.
At the end of the month, the City of Marion will hold its third of four Citywide Cleanups this year on Saturday, August 31st, from 9am-2pm. All Marion residents may drop unwanted items off at the Central Location anytime between 9am and 2pm that day. *ID is required for proof of residence.
The 3rd Citywide Cleanup “Central Location” will be the Citywide Maintenance/Street Department at 520 E. 6th St. (Directions: Turn south on Shunk Street from SR 18 (4th St.). Dumpsters will again be provided by the City of Marion. Litter grabbers, trash bags, gloves, and other resources will also be available to citizens who need them. Pizza will be provided at Noon, on a first come, first serve basis.
Residents who live between 9th St. to Chapel Pike/Sydney Ln., and from Washington St./River Dr. to Miller Ave. will have curbside pickup service that weekend as part of the Aug. 31st Cleanup. *Residents must have items at their curb no later than 9am that Saturday morning as crews will begin curbside pickup within the quadrant at that time. All residents outside the designated quadrant are asked to take unwanted items to the Central Location and not set them out at their curb. City crews are doing curbside pickup by quadrant as an added service to citizens as part of the Citywide Cleanup.
Map of Curbside Pickup Quadrant (click to zoom):

For Citywide Cleanups, we do not accept construction debris, yard waste, tires, TVs, paint, and burn barrels. Marion Utilities has a Disposal Guide on their website under Solid Waste.
Residents who wish to connect with neighborhood leaders for guidance to help clean up their respective area may find contacts at cityofmarion.in.gov/neighborhoods. Individuals or groups who activate and clean up an area are encouraged to use hashtag, #cleancitymarion.
Citywide Cleanup drop-offs happen rain or shine. *Walking cleanup efforts and other projects on Cleanup days are not orchestrated by the City, therefore decision-making based on weather, etc., is at the discretion of those outside groups or individuals.