Trick & Treat Enjoying Matter Park Share

Oct 21, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

#Dog­DateAfter­noon — We took two adopt­able bea­gles from Mar­i­on Ani­mal Care & Con­trol to Mat­ter Park yes­ter­day as part of the Loan­ing Love pro­gram. These two were brought in about a month ago. They are named, Trick” & Treat.” Both are 2 – 3 years old, one male, one female, and very sweet and lov­able. They were so hap­py to be out­side to play in the grass, drink from foun­tains, and get good exer­cise on a beau­ti­ful day. They are both great with oth­er dogs, adults & chil­dren. The male is recent­ly neutered, and the female is sched­uled to be spayed. Call MACC for more info, 765.668.4491.

beagles 2

We chose Mat­ter Park because there was a lot of room to roam, and the Shel­ter 5 area by the band­shell will be the place to be this Sat­ur­day for the City of Marion’s Fall Fest fea­tur­ing MANY fall activ­i­ties, food & ven­dors, music, and cos­tume con­tests for adults, kids, and even pets! MACC will have adopt­able dogs on site with some in cos­tumes! Get ready for a dose of ADORABLE!! Find out more on our Face­book event page: City of Marion’s Fall Festival.

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