Press Release

Transportation Mechanic to Retire after Nearly 14 Years with the City, 50 Years in Auto Maintenance Industry Share

Jun 7, 2022  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The City of Mar­i­on Trans­porta­tion Department’s full-time mechan­ic is retir­ing after near­ly 14 years and about 50 total years in the auto­mo­tive indus­try. Phil Sheveily was hired in Jan­u­ary of 2009 as the Department’s only mechan­ic for Mar­i­on Tran­sit bus­es, and served in the posi­tion beyond expectation.

Trans­porta­tion Direc­tor Jeff Edwards said, He’s been the best mechan­ic in the state, bar none. He’s kept these bus­es run­ning with­out fail. He did stuff that most mechan­ics would send out. He was a pre­ven­tive mechan­ic which made my job less wor­ri­some.” Edwards said Sheveily’s posi­tion will be dif­fi­cult to replace. I just want to find a per­son who cares. He would help a lot of peo­ple out. If one of the dri­vers came in with a per­son­al vehi­cle prob­lem, he would help them diag­nose it, and even fix it. Fur­ther­more, I had good trust in Phil. Hav­ing a good mechan­ic is price­less because it’s hard to find some­one good that you can also trust. He is going to be missed.”

Sheveily is a cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Mechan­ic, Mas­ter Engine Machin­ist, and a rea­son­able sus­pi­cion super­vi­sor with cre­den­tials to deter­mine the best pro­ce­dure in the event of an acci­dent. Sheveily is CPR cer­ti­fied. In 2019, he was in the City of Mar­i­on Employ­ee Spot­light for extra­or­di­nary work. In Sheveily’s career with the City, he instru­men­tal­ly assist­ed many oth­er depart­ments with repairs and main­te­nance plans. 

Sheveily cit­ed many high­lights in work­ing for the City. I was giv­en con­trol and free­dom with the job. I didn’t have to ask per­mis­sion to repair a vehi­cle. It’s impor­tant to have the bus­es run­ning, so any repair needs done as quick­ly as pos­si­ble.” Sheveily talked about the job’s ben­e­fits which he said is rare. A lot of shops don’t have ben­e­fits, retire­ment plans, or even paid time off, and I had all of that. If some­one wants to do this job, they need to under­stand it’s more than a job.” (The City is accept­ing appli­cants through Fri­day, June 10th).

In Sheveily’s all-time career, he has built engines for sport cars from the Crosley to Rolls Royce. I used to run a shop in War­saw called Clas­sic Car Cen­ter. Clients were stars, bands, celebri­ties – for 6 years. I helped turn around their busi­ness. I also used to have a shop called Red Line where I built engines for Gas City Race­way. For 48 years, I took engine parts and build them back to new for Auto Tech (for­mer­ly Frank’s Pis­ton Ser­vice). I start­ed there when I was 16.”

Sheveily will offi­cial­ly retire from the City of Mar­i­on on June 17th, 2022.

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