Press Release

Splash House Employees Promote a Positive Work Experience in New Video, City Hiring for 2022 Season Share

Feb 10, 2022  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Dream­ing of warmer days, the City of Mar­i­on has released a short video high­light­ing inter­views from Splash House employ­ees, as they begin accept­ing appli­ca­tions for 2022.

Employ­ees from the inter­view col­lec­tive­ly describe a sum­mer job at the Splash House as a fun intro­duc­tion to the work­force, a pos­i­tive social expe­ri­ence, and ful­fill­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to help peo­ple, even save lives.

Watch the video on the City of Mar­i­on’s YouTube Chan­nel at:

https://​youtu​.be/​K​f​Z​68​j​lDdKw (Or go to YouTube​.com, and search the City of Mar­i­on, IN” Channel)

*Please sub­scribe to the Chan­nel for future City of Mar­i­on videos.

The video was pro­duced by recent Tay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty grad­u­ate, J.D. Groh. 

Splash House Direc­tor Andy Davis expressed, I’m pleased that this video fea­tures our life­guards and sup­port crew express­ing both enjoy­ment and ful­fill­ment in work­ing at the Splash House. They work togeth­er well and become like a fam­i­ly to each oth­er. This is a great first job for young peo­ple to gain valu­able expe­ri­ence, and we offer flex­i­ble sched­ul­ing. I hope to see a good group of appli­cants this year to join this fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed team in a fun and fam­i­ly-friend­ly atmosphere.”

Appli­ca­tions are now being accept­ed for Splash House life­guards, sup­port staff, and even poten­tial man­age­ment posi­tions. Life­guard train­ing is avail­able. To apply, vis­it Splash​House​.org, find the appli­ca­tion, fill it out and email it to Andy Davis (adavis@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov), or mail or drop it off to City of Mar­i­on Parks & Recre­ation, 2nd Floor (301 S. Bran­son St., Mar­i­on, IN46952).

Fol­low the Splash House Face­book Page for day-to-day updates and excit­ing hap­pen­ings through­out the season.

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