Psychedelic Cellar Share

Feb 2, 2023  |  Web Administrator

This month marks the one-year anniver­sary for Psy­che­del­ic Cel­lar, a record store in down­town Mar­i­on. On Feb­ru­ary 20th, 2022, own­er Matt Wil­son opened the Cel­lar doors and it has been grow­ing since.

Wil­son was born in Mar­i­on and raised in Gas City but spent sev­er­al years else­where, call­ing Japan and Texas home for a while before com­ing back to his roots. While in Texas, he said the light­ning struck” and he knew he want­ed to open a record store but wasn’t exact­ly sure where. Through recon­nect­ing with life­long friend, Michael Math­ias (own­er of Mar­i­on Cycle Works), the pieces began to come togeth­er and he knew Mar­i­on was the place to have his dream real­ized. Through sup­port of Math­ias and the building’s own­er, Mike Hal­stead, Wil­son locat­ed the store in the base­ment of Mar­i­on Cycle Works to cre­ate the speak easy” space. One may access Psy­che­del­ic Cel­lar through the back door of Mar­i­on Cycle Works by the city bus ter­mi­nal. I feel extreme­ly lucky to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to use this space, and the sup­port of Math­ias and Hal­stead has been phe­nom­e­nal.” Wil­son also cred­its his fam­i­ly, friends, and the community.

Matt in store

A year ago, the Cel­lar was only open on week­ends, and as things con­tin­ued to fare well for the shop, Wil­son expand­ed his hours to include Wed., Thurs., and Fri. evenings. In addi­tion to vinyl, cus­tomers may also pur­chase art­work as Wil­son fea­tures local artists. Wil­son enjoys high­light­ing artists of all kinds, in fact much of the art he owns and dis­plays through­out the Cel­lar have mean­ing­ful ties to places he’s called home. Talk with Wil­son, and you’ll learn that a lot of the shop is a reflec­tion of who he is and his inter­ests in music and art. The Cel­lar has been host to a few small live shows. Though vinyl records are the soul of his shop, it will expand towards CDs lat­er this year.

He wants cus­tomers to know how to find him. Being in a Cel­lar’ encour­ages skill of curios­i­ty and dis­cov­ery of places like this that exist. My hope is that peo­ple learn that with lit­tle effort, there’s a lot out there you might not know. So get out and explore, research and find mean­ing­ful spaces that exist in our community.”

Cre­ate com­mu­ni­ty around music at Psy­che­del­ic Cel­lar down­town Mar­i­on — a rich, full music expe­ri­ence in the city ready to greet you with art, music, and gen­uine community.

Psy­che­del­ic Cellar

207 S. Wash­ing­ton St., Mar­i­on, IN 46952 (Base­ment, entrance in rear fac­ing bus stop)

Hours: Wed – Fri, 48pm; Sat – Sun, 12 – 6pm

Socials: Face­book & Insta­gram: @psychedeliccellar

Phone: (765) 3828087 | Email: matt.​wilson@​psychedeliccellar.​com

Sub­mit­ted by: Kay­la John­son, Main Street Mar­i­on / Dis­cov­er Mar­i­on Downtown

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