
Pick Your Favorites for 'Riverside Park' at Miracle Event Share

Nov 18, 2022  |  Web Administrator

While you’re attend­ing Mir­a­cle on 3rd and 4th Street” down­town this Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 19th, 2022 from 12 – 8pm, stop in the Boston Hill Cen­ter (428 S. Wash­ing­ton St.) or Sender Café (100 S. Wash­ing­ton St.) where you’ll find dis­play boards at each loca­tion (same boards at each) with con­cept draw­ings of Mar­i­on’s future River­side’ Park as well as inspi­ra­tional pho­tos from oth­er communities.

We need feed­back from ALL ages on your favorite fea­tures for this new park.

There will be a QR code to scan on the boards at the event where you’ll be able to vote while see­ing the draw­ings and pho­tos. The sur­vey is just one mul­ti­ple choice for your top five as well as an option for addi­tion­al ideas.

We will also be hold­ing a third Lis­ten­ing Ses­sion in Jan­u­ary, 2023 (TBA), so that you may voice your ideas for the park, then, as well.

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