Two longstanding officers from the Marion Police Department are retiring. Ofc. Joe Martin is retiring after 25 years of service, and Ofc. Dustin Roseberry is retiring after 20 years.
Ofc. Martin was hired in Dec. of 1997, and spent his entire career in the Patrol Division, the only place he said he truly wanted to serve. Traffic enforcement was a passion which led him to train for and serve on the crash reconstruction team. Ofc. Martin received the Medal of Valor and other commendations after being shot on duty. On March 18th, 2003, he had confronted a subject matching the description of an armed robbery suspect when there was a struggle, and Ofc. Martin was shot in the back of the head and the right arm. He returned fire striking the perpetrator several times.
Martin expressed, “It’s difficult to put into words how this changed me. I still struggle with it today, 19 years later.”
Ofc. Martin cherishes the few community outreaches he has received over the years on how he positively impacted the people he served. “It’s hard to know how us as officers impact people as you are not always told what the effect was.”
He also enjoyed being there for people in time of need. “I treated them with dignity and respect, and would tell them about Jesus to give them hope when they felt like they had none.”
Ofc. Martin currently has no plans in retirement. “We’ll see what presents itself,” he explained.
Ofc. Roseberry was hired in May of 2002, and also served in the Patrol Division. Roseberry’s specialty was also on the crash investigation team. Roseberry said he holds a sense of fulfillment in being able to help people through some of their more difficult times. He enjoyed and felt fortunate to work with all of the men and women who served with him, and expressed gratitude for the friendships he acquired over the years.
Roseberry and his family are moving to the Dallas, Fort Worth area of Texas where he will search for employment once settled.
Marion Police Chief Angela Haley expressed gratitude for the great work, dedication, and reliability of both officers whom she even served with as a peer for quite some time. “I worked on the same shift as these two men for several years when I was in the Patrol Division. Both are valuable members of the department and the Accident Team. I could always count on them to take care of their districts, and both were good for a laugh.”
A retirement party was held for the two officers last week where this picture was taken.