Press Release

MPD Officers Joe Martin and Dustin Roseberry Retire Share

May 27, 2022  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Two long­stand­ing offi­cers from the Mar­i­on Police Depart­ment are retir­ing. Ofc. Joe Mar­tin is retir­ing after 25 years of ser­vice, and Ofc. Dustin Rose­ber­ry is retir­ing after 20 years.

Ofc. Mar­tin was hired in Dec. of 1997, and spent his entire career in the Patrol Divi­sion, the only place he said he tru­ly want­ed to serve. Traf­fic enforce­ment was a pas­sion which led him to train for and serve on the crash recon­struc­tion team. Ofc. Mar­tin received the Medal of Val­or and oth­er com­men­da­tions after being shot on duty. On March 18th, 2003, he had con­front­ed a sub­ject match­ing the descrip­tion of an armed rob­bery sus­pect when there was a strug­gle, and Ofc. Mar­tin was shot in the back of the head and the right arm. He returned fire strik­ing the per­pe­tra­tor sev­er­al times. 

Mar­tin expressed, It’s dif­fi­cult to put into words how this changed me. I still strug­gle with it today, 19 years later.”

Ofc. Mar­tin cher­ish­es the few com­mu­ni­ty out­reach­es he has received over the years on how he pos­i­tive­ly impact­ed the peo­ple he served. It’s hard to know how us as offi­cers impact peo­ple as you are not always told what the effect was.”

He also enjoyed being there for peo­ple in time of need. I treat­ed them with dig­ni­ty and respect, and would tell them about Jesus to give them hope when they felt like they had none.”

Ofc. Mar­tin cur­rent­ly has no plans in retire­ment. We’ll see what presents itself,” he explained.

Ofc. Rose­ber­ry was hired in May of 2002, and also served in the Patrol Divi­sion. Roseberry’s spe­cial­ty was also on the crash inves­ti­ga­tion team. Rose­ber­ry said he holds a sense of ful­fill­ment in being able to help peo­ple through some of their more dif­fi­cult times. He enjoyed and felt for­tu­nate to work with all of the men and women who served with him, and expressed grat­i­tude for the friend­ships he acquired over the years. 

Rose­ber­ry and his fam­i­ly are mov­ing to the Dal­las, Fort Worth area of Texas where he will search for employ­ment once settled. 

Mar­i­on Police Chief Angela Haley expressed grat­i­tude for the great work, ded­i­ca­tion, and reli­a­bil­i­ty of both offi­cers whom she even served with as a peer for quite some time. I worked on the same shift as these two men for sev­er­al years when I was in the Patrol Divi­sion. Both are valu­able mem­bers of the depart­ment and the Acci­dent Team. I could always count on them to take care of their dis­tricts, and both were good for a laugh.”

A retire­ment par­ty was held for the two offi­cers last week where this pic­ture was taken.

Martin and Roseberry

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