
MPD Officers Clean Up Graffiti Share

Jun 12, 2020  |  Web Administrator

A team of Mar­i­on Police Offi­cers donat­ed their off-duty time today (June 12th, 2020) to help rid areas in town of graf­fi­ti. Lots of thanks go out to all of the offi­cers who were involved with the project. They point­ed out that the effort was one small step in the right direc­tion to improve the com­mu­ni­ty. More images are avail­able on MPD’s Face­book post here.

Cap­tain Mark Ste­fanatos explained the group on Fri­day was a good mix of new and vet­er­an offi­cers, but main­ly served as a way for new­er offi­cers to get their hands dirty and give back to the com­mu­ni­ty they serve. 

CIT­I­ZENS: If you see any areas of Mar­i­on that have been van­dal­ized or prop­er­ties defaced, please call Capt. Mark Ste­fanatos in the Detec­tives Divi­sion at 765.668.4417.

#Love­WhereY­ouLive #Great­in­Grant­Coun­ty #Cham­pi­on­Mar­i­on

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