
MPD Contact List Provided to Minimize Overutilizing Dispatch Number Share

Jun 10, 2020  |  Web Administrator

With Police Dis­patch becom­ing cen­tral­ized effec­tive this week, the Mar­i­on Police Depart­ment wants to empha­size the fol­low­ing con­tact avenues in order to min­i­mize using the non-emer­gency Dis­patch num­ber as a switch­board. Please save or print this quick con­tact list to have it handy. The list is also locat­ed at the top of the Police page on our web­site, city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​p​olice.

Quick Con­tacts

Emer­gency: Dial 911

Busi­ness Hours:
Chief’s Office — 765.668.4412
Detec­tives — 765.668.4417
Vic­tim’s Advo­cate — 765.668.3688
Police Ath­let­ic League (PAL) Club — 765.668.4422
Records — 765.668.4421
Training/​Personnel — 765.668.4420
Dis­patch (Report a Non-emer­­gency Crime) — 765.662.9981

After Hours:
Dis­patch (Report a Non-emer­­gency Crime / Con­tact an Offi­cer) — 765.662.9981

Thank you.

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