Michelle Doyle is a very active neighborhood leader having achieved 2 matching grants in recent years to plant trees along the boulevard of Euclid Neighborhood in Marion. The project began in 2018, and today, 38 new trees are planted to sustain beauty, quality of life, and environmental vitality there.
Doyle is a go-getter fueled on discovery of shared visions especially when it comes to community improvements. Her volunteer experience with Habitat for Humanity taught her the rewards of shared vision put into action, as well as perseverance, when championing for a project. While living in Dallas, TX, Doyle led an effort to improve the quality of life for patrons of a park near the local Boys & Girls Club by adding picnic tables. As a result of achieving community support and even cutting through red tape, the project materialized. She used that success story to build her confidence in pursuing projects here in Marion. The experience taught her lessons that helped her with the recent Euclid tree project.
Doyle voiced gratitude for the Community Foundation’s matching funds for the tree project phases, and the hard work and support from her fellow neighbors as well as the City of Marion and Comfort Landscapes.
Doyle is an adjunct professor for the Structures course of the Art and Design Division of Indiana Wesleyan University. This year, she rallied her students and a fellow colleague to participate with the Grant County Habitat for Humanity in building the Jones home.
People and design were cited as Doyle’s passions. “They complement each other. Good design helps quality of life, makes life more whole, easier, and need-fulfilling. My experience helps me bring needs and resources together to help people live a better life.”
Doyle, originally from North Vernon, IN, is a proud Marion homeowner. She and her husband, Kevin, have two twin boys. A recent local podcast, “Where We Landed,” featured Doyle and her love for living in Marion. She highlighted many natural and manmade attractions of the city including the Gardens of Matter Park, Mississinewa River, and the many historical buildings.
Doyle serves on the boards of the YMCA, Chamber of Commerce, Marion Rotary, and Board of Zoning Appeals.
Doyle has been running the Marion office of Halstead Architects since graduating with her master’s from Ball State University.