MFD: Planck, Sheridan, Fouce, Myers, Mitchener, Simmons, Garr, H. Duke, Shipley, N. Duke Share

Apr 4, 2019  |  Web Administrator

Mar­i­on Fire­fight­ers saved two lives in two sep­a­rate med­ical inci­dents in one week.

On March 10th, 2019, E4 was dis­patched for a seizure in down­town Mar­i­on. Fire 14 was in the area and respond­ed as well. F14 report­ed that it was a car­diac arrest and that an AED was need­ed ASAP while we were in route. E4 arrived on scene. The patient was on the sec­ond floor unre­spon­sive with F14 doing CPR. The AED was applied and a shock was applied as well. CPR was then restart­ed and a com­bi’ tube air­way was insert­ed. Oxy­gen AT 25 LPM was giv­en with a BVM. After the next cycle of canal­iza­tion was done no shock was advised and we had a good carotid pulse with a B/P of 150100. A mega mover was uti­lized to move the patient to the down­stairs side­walk where CPR was again resumed. Ambu­lance was a coun­ty medic unit. We loaded the patient as soon as they arrived and he was trans­port­ed to the hos­pi­tal.” – MFD Report

Fire­fight­ers in the above inci­dent includ­ed Assis­tant Chief Justin Planck, Cap­tain Phil Sheri­dan, Engi­neer Ranc Fouce, Fire Pre­ven­tion Offi­cer Brad Myers, Pri­vate Tino Mitch­en­er, and Pri­vate Bren­nan Simmons.

On March 14th, 2019, Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment Engine 6 was dis­patched to an address in south Mar­i­on for a per­son hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ty breath­ing. Upon our arrival, they found the patient was unre­spon­sive. The patient had no vis­i­ble signs of breath­ing and no pulse was found. We then placed semi-auto­mat­ic defib­ril­la­tor pads on the patient. No shock was advised and CPR was start­ed. An OP air­way was attempt­ed but was unsuc­cess­ful. An ambu­lance crew from MGH arrived and pri­ma­ry patient care was trans­ferred to them. We assist­ed with load­ing the patient onto a mega mover and car­ry­ing him to the cot out­side. We then assist­ed with load­ing him into the ambu­lance. We assist­ed the ambu­lance crew while inside the ambu­lance. The Para­medic request­ed a dri­ver and assis­tance in the back dur­ing trans­port to MGH. Pri­vates Ship­ley and (N. Duke) assist­ed in the rear while I drove the ambu­lance. Once at MGH we assist­ed with unload­ing the patient and trans­fer­ring him to a hos­pi­tal bed.” – MFD Report

Fire­fight­ers in the above inci­dent includ­ed Cap­tain Cur­tis Garr, Engi­neer Heath Duke, Pri­vate Chad Ship­ley, and Pri­vate Nathan Duke.

These two emer­gen­cies are why we train. It’s our goal to be the best when it counts. Our ded­i­cat­ed fire­fight­ers, Mar­i­on Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal Ambu­lance crews, and Grant Coun­ty Ambu­lance crews prove they are the best on a dai­ly basis.” – Fire Chief Geoff Williams