
Message from Citywide Maintenance following Storm Share

Jul 24, 2022  |  Web Administrator

City­wide Main­te­nance Super­in­ten­dent James Loftis wants res­i­dents to know the fol­low­ing in the after­math of the storm:

Beware of scam­mers say­ing that they are con­trac­tors of the City” offer­ing paid work.

You do not need to call City­wide Main­te­nance to come pick up your debris. Just sim­ply bring it to the curb­side, and we will even­tu­al­ly get to it. 

Loftis shared how proud he was to see neigh­bors help­ing neigh­bors and the City crew in clean­ing up debris.

He says to be safe clean­ing up after the storm, and be mind­ful of branch­es that have been hit, but have not com­plete­ly fallen.

Final­ly, we thank you for work­ing togeth­er as a com­mu­ni­ty and for your patience as cleanup continues.

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