Mary Lynn Nordstrom Share

Aug 4, 2022  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Life­long Mar­i­on res­i­dent Mary Lynn Nord­strom is a work­er bee” behind the scenes, but word is buzzing of the impact she makes in the com­mu­ni­ty through loy­al lead­er­ship and influ­en­tial passion.

After grad­u­at­ing from Mar­i­on High School, then work­ing 34 years for Mar­i­on Health, she began vol­un­teer­ing at the hos­pi­tal in var­i­ous ways. She acclaimed them for the vast on-the-job train­ing she received, and just want­ed to give back. She’s in year four of vol­un­teer­ing there includ­ing serv­ing on the aux­il­iary board which holds fundrais­ers and has even ful­ly fund­ed a new ambulance.

For over 20 years, Nord­strom has been high­ly active in her neigh­bor­hood asso­ci­a­tion, Bend of the Riv­er, and cur­rent­ly serves as pres­i­dent. One day, I got a fly­er in my mail­box of an upcom­ing meet­ing. I went, and met sev­er­al neigh­bors, and sev­er­al are still my friends today,” said Nord­strom. She has served on the first com­mit­tee to bring the Mir­a­cle on 3rd & 4th Street event to the com­mu­ni­ty, helped with events such as the Books, Bikes, and Arts fes­ti­val, and man­ages the Curf­man Gar­den on Wash­ing­ton St., a project dear to her heart. She expressed, It’s our lit­tle jew­el in our neigh­bor­hood.” After spear­head­ing a self-sus­tain­ing use of a once-emp­ty lot, she takes respon­si­bil­i­ty and great pride in the gar­den with oth­er ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teers. The fruits’ of the labor in the gar­den are for the neigh­bor­hood to enjoy, and for oth­ers in need who con­tact the neigh­bor­hood asso­ci­a­tion. There is also a lit­tle free library” on site that they also manage.

Nord­strom works with­in her cor­ner of the com­mu­ni­ty, but also reach­es far and wide to spark excite­ment about Mar­i­on. I love the city. I’m beside myself’ excit­ed about the down­town. I thought I would nev­er live to see the down­town come back, and now I am. I bring my friends down­town, and they real­ize, and are excit­ed with me.”

Nord­strom said being involved in vol­un­teer groups has cre­at­ed con­nec­tions, friend­ships and more, all while improv­ing the com­mu­ni­ty. Also as a mem­ber of BORN Church, she encour­ages part­ner­ing with a church or a busi­ness as they have done and have seen suc­cess. To learn more about how to get involved in Bend of the Riv­er Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion or Mar­i­on Health’s aux­il­iary board, call 765.664.7627. Nord­strom encour­aged, Just bring your­self, your tal­ent, or what you enjoy. It will work into a group. We will then help and guide you.”

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