
Marion's Birthday Party Moves to SUNDAY due to Rain; 5th & Washington Streets to Close for Event Share

May 20, 2022  |  Web Administrator

Mar­i­on’s 190th Birth­day Par­ty has been shift­ed to SUN­DAY, May 22nd, 2022, due to the impend­ing rain and storms fore­cast­ed for Saturday. 

We encour­age all to come and cel­e­brate with us on Sun­day between 12 – 5pm at the 5th Street Com­mons (between Adams and Wash­ing­ton St.). 

Event Road Clo­sures:
5th St. between Adams and Wash­ing­ton St.
Wash­ing­ton St. between 4th and 5th St.

Park­ing: On-street park­ing is avail­able all day on the week­ends, or you may park in any non-num­bered/un­re­served spots in our city-owned lots except for the 5th Street Com­mons where the event will be held.

The only change in the stage line­up is that Cia­ra Has­kett will not be able to play for us on Sun­day, but she will be at Obi’s Bar­be­cue down­town for an indoor show Sat­ur­day night from 6 – 9pm, and we encour­age you to come out to this fam­i­ly-friend­ly concert.

All of the same free and fam­i­ly-friend­ly fea­tures will be at our Birth­day Par­ty on Sunday. 

If you plan to stay a while and wish to sit and enjoy the music and fes­tiv­i­ties, you are encour­aged to bring a camp­ing chair in case there is not enough pic­nic table seating.

Fol­low @DiscoverMarionDowntown on Face­book for fur­ther infor­ma­tion and updates.

Hap­py 190th Birth­day, Marion!

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